Wednesday, July 31, 2019

7/31/19 "What Serving Others Really Reveals About You?"

Foundational Text:
Exodus 2:1-10 CEV

Moses Is Born

1 A man from the Levi tribe married a woman from the same tribe,
2 and she later had a baby boy.
He was a beautiful child, and she kept him inside for three months
3 But when she could longer keep him hidden, she made a basket out of reeds and covered it with tar.
She put him in the basket and placed it in tall grass along the edge of the Nile River.
4 The baby's older sister stood off at a distance to see what would happen to him.
5 About that time one of the king's daughters came down to take a bath in the river, while her servant women walked along the river bank.
She saw the basket in the tall grass and sent one of them to pull it out the water.
6 When the king's daughter opened the basket, she saw the baby crying and felt sorry for him.
She said, "This must be one of the Hebrew babies."
7 At once the baby's older sister came up and asked, "Do you want me to get a Hebrew woman to take care of the baby for you?"
8 "Yes, the king's daughter answered.
So the girl brought the baby's mother,
9 and the king's daughter told her, "Take care of the child, and I will pay you."
The baby's mother carried him home and took care of him.
10 And when he old enough, she took him to the king's daughter who adopted him. 

This Month's Topic: What Serving Others Really Reveals About You?

In the text we see the daughter of a king (a queen) that had servants working for her, tending  to her every need. She would say something, and they would do it.

So, you would think just by looking at her on the outside, she had everything her heart could ever want and than some.

But it becomes clear from the text that she had a hidden need, a hidden desire that would be revealed, when she ordered her servant to pull the basket she saw out the water; and her reaction when you saw it was a baby said it all...She felt sorry for him, she felt. She wasn't cold-hearted like her father (who had given the order to kill this baby  and so many others like him). 
See Exodus Chapter 1

No, Pharaoh's daughter (this queen) actually had a LOVE FOR CHILDREN and deep down she desired to be a mother, the queenship by itself wasn't enough. How do I know?
I know because without hesitation she was willing  to pay someone to nurse the baby for her....
And the first opportunity she got... She made it official. She adopted Moses and become his mother. 

You see, When Pharaoh's daughter (the queen) made the split decision to help a baby she didn't know, she put herself in the position of a servant and not just someone of high privilege, some queen being served and it revealed her true heart....and what it revealed about her was Motherhood. She was put on this earth not just to be a queen, but to be a mother and she became one, she became a mother through the beauty of adoption.

Beloved, You don't need some UNGODLY, so-called psychic nor do you have to be psychic to figure some things out. Pay attention to your service, pay attention to your acts of service.

1 What is it or who is it, you would go to bat for?
2 What is it or who is it, you wouldn't hesitate to make a split decision for, if it meant helping them?
3 What is it or who is it,  you would be willing to serve; willingly with no regrets...and what does it reveal about you?

Beloved, Meditate on these questions and when you're ready, answer them for yourself. So that, you can see what has really been revealed about you.

Enclosing here are some scripture references to study over and deepen your thinking process.

1).  Psalm 37:4
God will give you the desires of your heart.

2). 1 Samuel 16:7
God looks at the heart, not your appearance. 

3). Luke 6:38
Give and it shall be given unto you.

4). Ephes 6:8
What you make happen for others, God will make happen for you.

5). Psalm 68:6 NIV
God sets the lonely in families. 

6). Romans 15:1-2 (Msg) Strength is for service, not status.

7). Acts 13:36 (KJV)
 David served his generation. 

Father God,
Give them the wisdom needed, the disciplined needed to pay attention and see for themselves what you're trying to reveal to them about them, using any given situation.
Cause them to refrain from paying an UNGODLY psychic, refrain from reading their horoscope and simply pay attention.
For those that have paid some UNGODLY "so-called" psychic... Cause them to repent (turn away from such behavior) and pay attention.
Cause the money they spent on the psychics to be returned to them 30/60/100 fold. So, that they will know that YOU alone are God and none other.
In Jesus name,

Here when you need me.
Hosea 12:13 NIV
CALL OR TEXT: 865-408-8690 
Until Next Month. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy 

Saturday, July 27, 2019

7/28/19 "Inside Tracking"


5 Minutes Of Focus 

"Inside Tracking"

Many of you have things that you're holding inside, secrets that you have hidden to the point that you just can't anymore.

For somebody it has been 3 months, somebody else...It's been 3 years or more.

If Moses' mother were here now, she could relate because she did the exact same thing, but with good reason.She kept him (Moses) inside for 3 months. But when she could no longer keep him hidden....

Exodus Chapter 2 (CEV)

Now, It might not be a child or a pregnancy you're hiding....Or is it?

But you're hidden something and whatever it is...It's getting harder to hold inside, it's getting bigger and harder to hide.

Maybe, like Moses' mother, you too had a good reason for doing what you did at the time...But beloved, It's time you confessed (owned up to whatever it is). So that you can heal physically, mentally, and emotionally and I pray your confession is met with forgiveness, with arms of forgiveness. The same way the Prodigal Son's father forgave him for leaving pre-maturely and doing the things he did. I pray you are forgiven for willingfully withholding information from those who needed to know.... BUT ONLY FROM THOSE WHO NEEDED TO KNOW.

Luke 15:11-20 NIV

I pray you finally are comfortable enough to tell the whole truth and not fear any backlash....The way the woman in Mark 5 told Jesus everything that had happened and Jesus ended up calling it all an act of faith, on her part.

Finally, I pray you be able to keep track of what's going on with you emotionally and stop feeling like you're about to lose it, lose control at any time.

Until Next Sunday.

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, July 21, 2019

7/21/19 "The Power Your Life Needs"


5 Minutes of Focus

"The Power Your Life Needs"

The bible says: Death and life are in the power of the tongue.

Proverbs 18:21 

SOMEBODY: The power your life needs is in your tongue.

Perhaps, Nothing is happening for you because your tongue has become stagnant to the amazing opportunities God has for you in this life. So, because you can't see things moving, changing for the better...You refuse to say any thing at all.

But still, the fact remains: The power your life needs is in your tongue.  You shall have whatsoever you say. Mark 11:24

Boy, Do Mariam and I have a testimony about the power of words and having what you say...

Everybody the photo attached to this post is of a then 6 year old, Mariam from Ghana. She just recently became my sponsored child,  making her number 6 of those I currently sponsor.

But how she became my sponsored child when it appeared...SHE ALREADY HAD A SPONSOR??? Pay attention to this: I saw this beautiful child for the 1st time on Facebook, when World Vision sent her and some others across my newsfeed.

Instantly, I loved her and I just wanted the chance to tell her how beautiful, I think she is. I just wanted to be the one to pour into her life. I saw her on Facebook the night of June 30th. I called World Vision the next morning July 1. They searched and I re-search for her, but it seemed she had a sponsor and was no longer in the system. 

Still every day, I checked and I prayed: "Lord, Back that sponsor (those sponsors) off. Re-route them, let them go sponsor another child."... I kept praying that EVERY DAY, speaking it under my breath. That was July 1st, by July 3rd,  she became available for sponsorship again and I became her sponsor on July 5th.

I share this testimony to let SOMEBODY know: There's power in your words, you have the power to re-route that situation, you have the power in Jesus name to back some people off and get what you want.

The power your life needs is in your tongue.  Amen! 🎤

And just in case, Mariam's beautiful face has inspired you to become a SPONSOR....A child in need needs you.

Click the link below:

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, July 13, 2019

7/14/19 "Word Teaser"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Word Teaser"

Somebody: You haven't been yourself for a long time now. It's like some evil spirit unbeknownst to you as taken over your body and you're doing things, destructive things you never would have thought to do, otherwise. 

Your kids are having to witness you act out in extreme measures and they're worried. One minute, you're laughing and joking and in the next, you're defensive, not wanting to face the truth.

But the truth is: Life can bring sudden disaster, sudden pain, sudden grieve and your emotions can become causality of a war you never enlisted to fight, but you're fighting.

You're fighting being single again, you're fighting being down to one income again, you're fighting the reality of being both mother and father to your children, you're fighting being kick down once again, you're fighting the rent that needs to paid, and the bills that he made etc. You're fighting, you're fighting.

So many battles in your head, none of which seems real, at this moment. You want to run to Jesus, leaning on your faith is your first instinct, but you're afraid.

You're afraid Jesus will condemn you and make you feel worse than you already feel. 

BELOVED, There is now, therefore no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. You are not condemned, not by Jesus at least.

Rom 8:1

You feel tortured by every thing that's going on inside you emotionally, not by Jesus. You are strong physically. Emotionally though, you're still trying to avoid breaking, you're still trying to avoid breaking down. 

Then, You spot that object in the room, just something to take your frustration out on. So, you throw it, you kick it, you scream, you used words that would be considered profanity... This is you breaking, breaking down, having a real moment...a much needed moment, a moment where there's no judgment and the chains finally begin to break.

This has been a "Word Teaser"...Just enough to tease you, interest you in hearing the full message entitled, "He Broke The Chains" coming soon to 

Stay Tuned.

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, July 6, 2019

7/7/19 "Feel Your Faith "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Feel Your Faith" 

The scripture  found in Hebrews 11:1 says: Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.

But why is it the substance of things hoped for?

Beloved, It's because most times substance itself is not something you can see, but it is something you can feel.

For example: Have you ever felt the weight of something in your Spirit?  You couldn't see it, but you could feel it and you knew something was going on. That was the substance of that thing materializing in your spirit.

One definition of substance being the density, mass, the weight, shape or structure of something. 

And so the devil attacks you in your emotions, in your feelings a lot because  he wants you too busy feeling your feelings to feel your faith, to feel the substance of your faith, as mustard seed as it might be right now. Matt 17:20

SOMEBODY: If you would just slow down and spend time building your faith through the Word of God. (Rom 10:17)...You'd be able to feel that which you hoped for taking shape, materializing in the Spirit realm.

Hagar like some of you; was so busy running away from her bad situation with Sarai...She was too busy feeling her feelings to stop and feel her faith,  to feel the substance of her faith, which is exactly what the devil is depending on.

He's depending on you, like Hagar being too busy with your current situation that you can't feel anything else.

You can't feel hopeful, you can't feel the substance of your faith.

You can't even begin to feel blessed, the  blessing the LORD would bring upon you, upon her life, if she would just stay and stick out the hard times. 

Genesis 16:1-10 NIV

Stay and stick out the hard times. Practice feeling your faith, feeling the substance of your faith and not all the stuff you're feeling in the natural. It takes practice to feel beyond what you're going through, but it's doable.

Just ask Jesus...He was able to hang on the Cross despite feeling the pain of his current situation, because he had substance and his faith was in another day, being far better than his right now.

Isaiah 53 NIV

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy