Saturday, April 20, 2019

4/21/19 "There's Just No Way"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"There's Just No Way"

There's just no way I would be who I am today without Jesus. Had he flaked on his promise to rise after 3 days. 

Just like you, I've had many to promise me something, but not follow through, changing the way I viewed the friendship, the relationship. 

BUT JESUS!!! He went down in the grave, and was enough of a "gentleman" to leave His Word behind as a comfort to me, as a comfort to you.

With just 6 words, "After Three Days I Will Rise."...He confused believers and sparked fear into his haters. They  didn't know what to make of such a bold statement. 

Matt 27:62-66 NKJ

The chief priests and the Pharisees  started beefing up security surrounding the tomb, but nothing could stop Him from keeping his promise.

After three 3 days he rose just as he said.

Matt 28:6 NIV...His commitment to his Word has restored my faith in men who don't lie, has restored my faith in friends who will come through. Jesus being a friend that sticks closer than a brother. 

Proverbs 18:24 NIV

Therefore, It's  because of Jesus that I'm not a broken, bitter and resentful woman, but I'm WHOLE because he rose, because he was integral enough to keep his Word. Death couldn't hold him and lies can't hinder me (or you, if you choose).

I am who I am because of The Resurrection; I am who I am because of Jesus. He rose. "He has risen"....That statement along should speak all kinds of personal truth to your spirit.

There's Just No Way without Jesus...No way.


Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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