Sunday, November 4, 2018

11/4/18 "Securing You Access"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Securing You Access"

In Matthew 25 NIV

5 virgins had their lamps and oil with them and 5 didn't.

5 were ready to meet and go in with the bridegroom and 5 weren't.

The 5 that weren't ready had their lamps, but no extra oil. So, when what they had was burnt out and they were told they couldn't borrow any more...

They decided to take the advice of the 5 virgins that were ready and leave their "desired place" to go and purchase some oil for themselves. In doing so, they missed the bridegroom's coming!!!

DON'T MISS OUT because it's taking forever and you have become drowsy. Wake up and get yourself prepared. 

"5 Prophetic Principles That Will Secure You Access"

1. Never sell your oil...Freely pour into others what God has given you, but then take the time to get refilled. You must keep oil on you, with you.

To whom much is given much is required. Luke 12:48 NKJ

2. Never let your light go out for the purpose of another...In the words of Apostle Paul:  I keep my body under control and I make it my slave, so I won't lose out after telling others the good news.

1 Corin 9:27 CEV

3. Carry your lamp (within)...In other words, keep your faith lit. Reminding yourself: God's word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

Psalm 119:105 NKJ

4. Think about the advice given to you, BEFORE you decide to take it....Had the 5 that weren't ready thought twice about leaving and just stayed were they where. Even though, it would have been dark without oil for their lamps. Still, they were there in the right place.

Matt 25 NIV

SOMEBODY: You may not be able to see your way, but if you just stay put. You're in the right place.

5. Your "desired place"- Don't let nobody talk you into leaving your desired place. God says: He has planted you (like a tree) by the rivers of water. Something is going to flow out of that place for you, if just you stay put (where you were planted) and submit.


Psalm 1:3 NKJ

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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