Sunday, November 25, 2018

11/25/18 "Open Compassion"


5 Minutes Of Focus

"Open Compassion"

The bible says: The Prodigal Son while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around  him and kissed him.

Luke 15:20 NIV

SOMEBODY: You feel like you're still a long way off from where you're supposed to be,  a long way off from where you want to be, still a long way off from your goal. 

You're hard on yourself, you're judging yourself and you think that everybody else is doing the same. When the truth is, most decent folks are too busy trying to get passed their own struggles to focus on yours.

Beloved, Compassion still exist, you just can't see it, because you can't get pass your own expectations of yourself. 

Expectations you failed to live up to because like the Prodigal Son you got distracted and went off in another direction.

So, Now you think the door of compassion is closed on your life, no one cares or understands...But God does.

The LORD is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, rich in love.

Psalm 145:8 NIV

He offers open compassion, he doesn't close Himself off from you. Instead, he opens his arms wide to receive you back...Throwing his arms of mercy around you, kissing you with a moment of grace.

A grace period- some needed time for you to get yourself together without having to think about what you owe or who you owe.

He's gracing you with another chance. 

God gives us chance after chance to be saved from death and brought into the light that gives life....YES, you could have been dead, but he spared your life, in spite of YOURSELF or you wanting him to.

Job 33:29-30 CEV

So, Stop comparing yourself to others, that's not wise, considering what you're already going through.

He loves you better than that. Do like the Prodigal Son did...He got up, got himself together and went and received. 

It's time to cut out all that wild living and get intentional on purpose, for a greater purpose. Go and receive the Father's open compassion. It's available to you, even now. 

Luke 15:11-18 NIV

2 Corin 10:12

Until Next Sunday.

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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