Friday, November 30, 2018

11/30/18 "The Weight Of Obligation"


"The Weight Of Obligation"

● Obligation- The condition of being morally or legally bound to do something; a duty or commitment. 
A debt of gratitude for a service or favor.

In preparation to go fight Goliath: 

Saul dressed David in his own tunic. He put a coat of armor on him and a bronze helmet on his head. David fastened on his sword over the tunic and tried walking around, because he was not used to them.

"I cannot go in these," he said to Saul, because I am not used to them." So he took them off.
1 Samuel 17:38-39 NIV

Saul was David's mentor, he looked up to him. He was a father- figure to David.  Seeing as how his own father, Jesse never deemed him as being much, and kept him outside of the house. 
(1 Samuel 16).

So, what if in the text, David had felt obligated to Saul and not wanting to disappoint him...He decided to keep on a tunic that was clearly too heavy for him.
Thankfully, he didnt....But what if he did???

Many of you, you feel obligated to your father, obligated to your mother, obligated to that high school coach who was always there cheering you on etc.
You don't want to disappoint them; you don't want to let them down.

You are buried under the weight of obligation and it's not some form of Goliath that's threatening to take you out, but you are doing your own self the greatest harm. 

I know the Apostle Paul said, "I have become ALL things to all men, that I might by all means save some."
1 Corin 9:22 NKJ

That's good for when you're trying to save souls, but not at the expense of your own soul.

It's far too stressful to try and make yourself become all "they" want you to be and all you need YOURSELF to be at the same time; something will eventually fall painfully short.
Trying to be ALL things to all people is the quickest way to stress yourself out.

Study Info Reveals: Emotional stress that stays around for weeks or months can weaken the immune system and cause high blood pressure, fatigue, depression, anxiety and even heart disease. 
In particular, too much epinephrine can be harmful to your heart.
It can change the arteries and how their cells are able to regenerate. 

Therefore, Beloved, you must be like David for the sake of your health...Take off everything that's weighing you down.

David didn't hesitate, he didn't worry about how Saul would feel...He just took it off, he took the tunic off. Maybe, he was too young and immature to understand obligation or the weight of obligation, but still he took it off.

He didn't go before Goliath, trying to be Saul,  trying to be like his mentor, trying to be like his father-figure, but he came as himself and God gave him the victory.

SOMEBODY: Perhaps, it's not that you feel obligated, but that you don't want to be YOU. So, you're trying to hide in the shadow of someone else's identity.
Either way, it won't work. 

Meditation Points:

1.You must find the courage to say, "No" and be okay with that other person's reaction to your no.

2. You are not obligated to walk in another person's shoes or to allow them to live vicariously through you.

3. You are not a bad son or daughter or person for choosing not to continue in the tradition of your family or mentor....Always choose what God has for you instead.

4. Your health matters, every part of your health.

5. Self-care is not selfish.

6. Burying yourself under the weight of someone's expectations of you or in someone else's identity is a miserable  state to be in .

7. God is waiting on YOU to be YOU and take off the weight of that tunic, the weight of that thing forced upon you.

8. God says: I knew YOU...(Jere 1:5)
I formed YOU...(Psalm 139)....There is something special about YOU that God is addressing in these two scriptures. 

9. Be YOU and if they really love YOU, and are in your cheering section, they will continue to cheer with no strings attached to their praise.

Father God,
Reverse any health issues that have come from them being stressed, over emotional, buried under the pressure, buried under the weight of obligation.

Give them the boldness of a young David...To take it off, to say "No", to free themselves and feel no guilt.

In Jesus name,

Always Here For You.
Hosea 12:13 NIV

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Call: 865-408-8690

● Mentorship Corner is offered only once a month and is meant to be a prophetic source of empowerment to grow and stretch your mind.

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