Sunday, November 18, 2018

11/18/18 "Live Your Dream"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Live Your Dream"

The little cutie in the picture is my 1st heartbeat of many to come. She's the one that started me on this journey of living my dream.

Her name, Diribu and in 1997 she was a 4 year old from Ethiopia. 

You see, As long as I can remember, I dreamed of one day taking on the responsibility of sponsoring children @worldvisionusa and helping them better themselves through health, education etc.

And at the age of 24, I finally picked up the phone to do it; scared because it's a serious commitment, but EXCITED...

I pick up the phone. It was my dream manifesting itself after so many long years of being on the sidelines, wishing I could.

Why am I sharing this?

Because so many of you have that one dream that needs to be fulfilled...That one dream that is a tree of life for you, it means everything to you.

Beloved, What is it that gives you life, every time you think of it?

What is it that you dream of doing, you want to do, but you keep putting it off out of fear and it's making you sick (internally)? Your heart is not happy, not really. You are not fulfilled, because your dream is not fulfilled. Your hope is deferred.

You don't realize it right now, but the bible clearly says: Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life.

Proverbs 13:12 NLT

Going on to say: For the dream comes through much effort.

Ecclesiastes 5:3 AMP

Even though, it's scary, so scary...Effort is required on your part...You can't just wait for God to do EVERYTHING. 

You're going have to be the one to pick up the phone, make the investment, google what you need to know, reach out to your potential audience/customers, that organization etc.

If you want it, MOVE for it.

Peter wanted to walk on the water, but waiting on Jesus didn't get him out the boat. He had to SPEAK UP and MOVE for it. Matthew 14

Move for it...Live Your Dream.

Life is short...Live Your Dream. I have no regrets and neither will you. 

Until Next Sunday.

LPS~Prophetess Stacy

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