Sunday, February 25, 2018

2/25/18 "Get Your Crown Out The Lay-A-Way"


5 Minutes of Focus

"Get Your Crown Out The Lay-A-Way "

A month or so ago, I don't mind telling you...Unbeknownst to me, My Crown Was In The Lay-A-Way.
But then I began to read,  "Queenology" By: R.C. Blakes, Jr.

This book helped me get my crown out the lay-a-way and back on my head where it belongs...That's my cute little way of saying,  "This book DELIVERED ME out of my feelings."

You see, because I didn't FEEL like a  queen at the time...I just automatically assumed, I wasn't one and I believe many of us, not just Queens, but Kings too...We have sold ourselves short based on our feelings, how we felt in the moment.

Much like Esau who sold his birthright because he FELT hungry (at the time), in the moment.

Of course, Esau would live to experience hunger again...So what are we supposed to do? Sell something every time we feel a certain way?
Gen 25:29-33 AMP

Beloved, We must learn to leave our temporary feelings out of, what was ALREADY a God ordained decision. 

God had ALREADY decided,  made His decision, "We are a royal priesthood"...Long before we grew to accept him. It was already apart of our saved territory. 1 Peter 2:9 NIV

You Are Queen...You Are A King. Let us work on controling our feelings, seeing ourselves as we really are (as God intended) and not get distracted, hungering for other things; when our birthright as a royal priesthood in HIM is the most valuable of all things... It comes with everlasting stock and it yeilds interest for all who are interested.

Focus Points:

That's why the bible says: Whosoever will let him come. Rev 22:17 KJV

Somebody: You need to come to the knowledge of the truth today.
You Are Queen...You Are A King.

Order the book, "Queenology" at or purchase it on Amazon or Barnes and Noble.
The book is scripturally sound (which I love).  You will not be misled, but your eyes will be opened.

It's time you got your crown out the lay-a-way...It's time you  got delivered out of your feelings and into the truth.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, February 18, 2018

2/18/18 "God says, Finally!"


5 Minutes of Focus

"God says, Finally!"

FINALLY!...After trying so hard to be strong...You're finally realizing, you can't do it on your own.
FINALLY!...After trying ever other source imaginable...You're realizing you can only be strong in HIM, apart from HIM your weakness shows.

So, Stop trying to flex your muscle both mentally and physically making yourself look a certain kind of way... Because honestly, you have nothing to prove and no one to impress. If you do feel  like you have something to prove or someone to impress...You need to break the source of that insecurity immediately!!!
Even if that insecurity really stems from a vacant space in you.

In John 4
We find a woman filled with her own insecurities stemming for multiple failed relationships. Is that you?

Filled with insecurities she was going about her normal routine, fetching water...Trying to make herself believe every thing is okay, trying to make herself believe she had no mental, no emotional residue left over in her from past relationships/hurts...But she wouldn't come clean or get clean UNTIL she encountered JESUS. Until then, her weakness showed.

Her weakness for acceptance, her weakness for love and wanting to be loved. Again, Is that you?

What is it, you're trying to make yourself believe just to keep going in this season?

I need you to know, God loves you. He accepts you. He desires to clean you up and make you his own and do for you what no one else had the guts to do.
Ezekiel 16 NIV

Focus Points:

Beloved, As long as you're on this earth...There will be days when you're spirit is willing, but your flesh is weak.
Matt 26:41 KJV

Therefore, My brethen, be strong  in the LORD (You can't do it on your own) and in the power of his might.
Ephes 6:10 KJV

Pray. Build yourself UP  in the faith, flex your spiritual muscle.

Keep your arms open and outstretched,  ready for the mercy of JESUS.

Rely on the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you, even now.
John 16:13 NIV

Jude 1:20 MSG

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

2/14/18 "Kintsugi"



This Valentine's Day, I have just one word for YOU, those of you feeling broken and alone...."Kintsugi."

Beloved, Having to face your worst nightmare in broad open daylight is no joke... Like Mary Magdalene standing at the tomb crying; tears might even be running down your face right now.

You see, The person Mary loved the most was presumed  dead and if that wasn't enough, his body had gone missing or so it seemed.

All Mary could force herself to understand was:
HE'S DEAD.  JESUS, The One Person that had always been there for her...JESUS Was Gone, Taken from her!!!
John 20:11-16 NIV

SOMEBODY: You can deal with the fact that the relationship is over, you can deal with the fact that the marriage has ended. What you're having trouble dealing with is: THE ABSENCE OF THAT PERSON'S PRESENCE.

It's not so much the relationship or the marriage you miss...More Than Anything ...You Miss That  Person' s Presence, YOU MISS THEM JUST BEING THERE.

Now, you wake up alone. You go to bed alone. Their presence has been taken from you and the loneliness of it all is killing you, breaking you more and more..BUT JESUS.

JESUS Is Not Dead, but he is an expert at Kintsugi -The Japanese art of fixing broken ceramics. Therefore, Give every broken piece of that person's death, that divorce, that failed relationship, every piece of your broken & lonely heart to JESUS. Only he can make a new LIFE for you out of your brokenness, purpose from your pain.

I pray you find the strength to Release YOURSELF (just as you are) into The Master's Capable Hands.
For if from THERE (right where you are) you will seek the LORD....You will find Him.
You will find Kintsugi...Healing for your brokenness.
Deut 4:29 NIV

Something amazing happens when we give our brokenness to JESUS. He takes the pieces & makes us whole.
Jere 18:1-4 NIV

You are LOVED....You are not ALONE today or any other day.
He is close, so close to you now. Psalm 34:18 NIV

LPS~ Love,  Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, February 11, 2018

2/11/18 "Moving On Up"


5 Minutes of Focus

"Moving On Up"

The bible says: Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished but he that gathereth by labour shall increase.
Proverbs 13:11 KJV

Those of you, who have worked hard and your labour didn't just start this year, but you've literally worked hard for YEARS..I pray, you can see the increase. I pray, you can see yourself moving on up.

Your neighborhood is changing, your apartment is now a house with better furniture, your money no longer looks so funny, your inner circle is even different... Not that you're bougie, but your friends had to change to fit your new mindset.

Now, It's good to never forget where you came from, and be proud of your neighborhood history, reminiscing on the good times and the whole 9. But there's no reason why, what you didn't have as a child,  should affect what you do have as an adult.

SOMEBODY: You are not a sell out..It's just that you're moving on up and some people can't stand your increase.

Oh well, where were they, when you were struggling, riding the bus, saving your coins, dreaming and confessing about a better day?

They don't how you prophesied and worked your butt off to get out that valley. Many days you felt like, you were lying to yourself...BUT GOD!

It was His Spirit that lead you out into that valley. They say, "The Struggle Is Real" (a real teacher, that is)..There, He pulled you away from the crowd and taught you to prophesy, to see what looks impossible come together.
Ezekiel 37

Focus Points:

So, Don't forget to keep working your mouth, while working your hands on that job.

Because you have whatever you say/pray. Mark 11:24 AMP
Prov 18:21. Also, If a man don't work, he don't eat.
2 Thess 3:10

You must work (at something) in order to feel fulfilled, but be not ashamed, if because of what God has taught you...Your work is fulfilling, your mouth is speaking & reaping the harvest. It's about time!

You're  moving on up. God has taught you how to profit, just like he promised in Isaiah 48:17 NKJ
You're moving on up like "The Jeffersons."

To God be the glory!!!

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, February 4, 2018

2/4/18 "I Didn't Quit! "


5 Minutes of Focus

"I Didn't Quit!"

SOMEBODY: You despise quitting...You've already quit on so much, you set out to achieve, that you absolutely refuse to quit on anything else.

Here's the problem with that though: You are confusing quitting with surrendering.
God doesn't want you to give up, but he does want you to give it over to him.

Right now, You are praying YOUR OWN WILL and it hurts so bad....And you might be surprised to learn that Jesus in the garden, started out praying  his own will and it hurt so bad.

Jesus knelt down and prayed, saying, "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from  me"... Jesus started out praying his own will, he prayed what HE WANTED God to do.
Then,  all of a sudden (I'm not sure what happened), but in his next few words, Jesus surrendered his will saying,  "Yet not my will but yours be done."

Then, an angel appeared to him and strengthened him. Now, I wish I could tell you, that after he surrendered his will, he felt better.. But he was still hurt, still in agony. You think Jesus wanted to go to the cross, die, give up his relationship with his mother.
He didn't...Any more than you want to give your hopes and dreams, give that relationship, your relationship goals over to God, but that's exactly what you need to do.
Luke 22:41-44 John 19:26 NIV

Focus Points:

Jesus surrendered and became the SAVIOUR of the WORLD. John 3:16
I wonder, who you're destined  to become?

Who you're  destined to become and who you're desperate to become is not the same.

Your DESTINY is tied to God..DESPERATION is just you, trying to pray YOUR OWN WILL.

Surrender..God has bigger hopes & dreams for you, than you can even begin to imagine for yourself.  
Ephes 3 :20

God will give you the desires of your heart..But 1st give him your heart.
Psalm 37:4

Life can be a TRIP made easier, with Jesus as your TOUR GUIDE. Isaiah 48:17 NIV

He knows the plans he has for you. Jere 29:11

Stop messing  up. Fess up..You're tired...You need the strength....Surrender.
Come to ME all who are weary...Matt 11:28

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy