Sunday, December 31, 2017

12/31/17 "2018 Where Ya At? (wya)"


5 Minutes of Focus
"2018 Where Ya At? (wya)"
Genesis 19:1-26 NIV

"Let the past stay in the past." That's exactly how God wanted Lot and his wife to feel about moving forward and running into what "God intended to be" their future in a new location, UNTIL Lot's wife looked back and changed everything for Lot.

After Lot's wife looked back and got changed into a pillar of salt...Lot had no choice. He had to keep going and not be hindered in a place that was no longer safe physically or emotionally for him, but he had to go forth now as a single man.

Are you going into 2018 single?
Absent of some people, relationships/friendships, associations....If so, don't even bother being sad.

"2018 Where Ya At? (wya)"
Instead, Be excited because anybody that made their exit out of your life in 2017 couldn't  handle you up the road in the future. So they had to turn, to change, and you had to witness that change,  in order to be able to let them go.

Lot witnessed his wife sudden change....Up until she looked back, Lot probably thought they were both on the same page (thinking alike).

Beloved, Not everybody shares your enthusiasm about the future. So,  while you're excited about 2018 and looking forward to a good year, someone else is not.

Truthfully,  Not everybody embraces change, but some like Lot's wife desire to stay the same...In a place of sin, reminiscing about how good it was while it lasted, not accepting that their time in that place physically and emotionally is over!

Focus Points

SOMEBODY: It's Over!!!..God is trying to give you a second chance.
Isaiah 1:18 NIV

2018 is your second chance...Embrace It.

God desires that you shall not perish.
2 Peter 3:9 AMP

Happy New Year!!!
Be Released and Go Forth
in Jesus name.

Until Next Sunday,
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Photo Credit (for this post goes to My God-daughter):
Tamyracle Pate

Monday, December 25, 2017

12/25/17 "Grieving Through"


Christmas Day!

"Grieving Through"

As you can see, the last gift my Grandmother  (the woman who raised me), would ever buy for me was this beautiful music box.

I love trains, so every year during this Christmas season, I take out the music box she bought me and just kind of reminisce . The more time passes, the more this music box means to me.

It's all apart of grieving through. My grandparents died less than 7 months apart of each other. (Aug. 18, 2008- March 10, 2009) So, I definitely know something about grieving through.

She raised me. He raised me and I still live in the house where I was raised, because I know that's what they would want. So I guess you can say, This house (that's paid for) has become a gift to me.

Imagine that: A gift in the midst of my pain.

SOMEBODY: Hidden amongst the memories that ache right now is a gift....A gift in the midst of your pain.

Still for Naomi,
In the book of Ruth.... Her testimony of grieving through is far different from mine.
Naomi didn't remain in the same home or even the same home town after the loss of her husband and sons.

She moved and Ruth moved with her and though she was bitter throughout the process because she started out one way and came back another.
(Ruth 1:20)...God was still faithful.

Naomi ended up not wanting for anything financially.
Psalm 23:1 The Lord is my shepherd. (SOMEBODY SAY): I shall not want... And so, she ended up restored emotionally through the birth of Ruth's baby whom the bible says, Naomi (old in age) breastfed...Talking about a miracle.

Beloved, There's a gift, a miracle hidden on the other side of the loss of that loved one you're grieving, that divorce you're grieving,, that bankruptcy, that diagnosis.
No, It will never be easy because the one you miss so much is not here and won't be here....But it will get better.

In the meantime, Don't let nobody tell you how to grieve, to stop grieving etc...Your process is your process, just keep going, grieve through.

God has promised to not just heal your body, but your wounds. Jere 30:17

Father God,
I pray for everyone that feels lost because of the loss of a loved one, a marriage etc.
Touch each wounded heart and heal.
Help them to accept what they can't change and to treasure what's left in the midst of the pain.
In Jesus name .

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, December 24, 2017

12/24/17 "It's Time You Offered The Gold, The Frankincense and The Myrrh"


5 Minutes of Focus

"It's Time You Offered The Gold, The Frankincense, and The Myrrh"

Matthew 2 ( NKJ)
The Christmas Story:
Jesus was born in the midst of the most unthinkable conditions... No hospital, the environment in which he came forth in was not even sanitized, but still he came forth.

He came forth and the bible says: Wise men brought him gifts.
You see, When you're wise, you bring forth your gifts when you know, Jesus is there (the blessing is) on it.

So, What's your excuse?
Why have you delayed coming forth with your gifts?

You know, Jesus is on it, because the few times you have actually tried to use your gift or gifts (plural), the people you're  assigned to were blessed.

If you're waiting on conditions to be perfect, without challenges...It will never happen. If you're waiting for everybody to accept you...It will never happen. Everybody won't see your star, everybody won't catch a glimpse of your shine.

Everybody didn't see the star signaling Jesus's arrival, everybody didn't accept him being there, or celebrate him (Even though they should have).
Wise men are the only ones said to have brought him gifts.
Be wise. Bring him your gifts.
He deserves to be celebrated and somebody, somewhere needs to be blessed by  your gifts.

SOME OF YOU: You're  blaming God, but he is not the one that has delayed you...You, Beloved, have delayed YOURSELF.

Stop your own delay! You have people waiting on you. Somebody needs the gold,, the frankincense, and the myrrh (the gifts)  you have to offer.

Focus Points:

Release your gifts...First, To Jesus in celebration of Him and then to the people.
Rom 12:1 AMP

You will know who has been assigned to you based on who rejects you and who accepts you.
John 1:11-12  NLT

Rejection hurts, but remember: It's neccessary to launch you forth to the right people.

If Jesus could come forth despite and in spite of...So can you.

Merry Christmas....It's Time!!!
Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, December 17, 2017

12/17/17 "How Could You?!!!"


5 Minutes of Focus
"How Could You?!!!"

How Could You?!!!...How could  you even think to trust the words of someone who has publicly made it known (by way of The Bible) all these years that he is indeed, INSECURE in his own identity?

Don't you know? THE DEVIL IS A LIAR!...He's a liar that was and still is super insecure in his own identity. HE WAS AND STILL IS UNCOMFORTABLE WITH HIMSELF.

Despite the fact, that he once lived in the most beautiful place (Heaven), had a nice job as the worship leader of all of Heaven...Still, he wanted to be somebody else...He wanted to be GOD, not work for God, but be God himself.
Read: Ezekiel 28 & Isaiah 14

Beloved, Anytime a person is so insecure, uncomfortable,  unhappy with themselves to the point, that want to be somebody else....It's obvious, they have not been taking the time needed to say the right things and invest in their own mental/emotional health.

So, How Could You?!!!...How could you even  think they would say the right things to you?
If they can't even tell themselves the truth....How could you expect them to be truthful with you?

John 8:44
He lies AND he uses people to lie to you for him, that's the only major stronghold he has.

Every since his big plan to be GOD fell through...The devil has nothing to lose and there are people who the devil has spiritually employed, people that have nothing to lose by lying to you, just like their boss a.k.a. "their father."

Focus Points:

The devil is the Father of lies...
Don't believe the hype!!!
John 8:44

In your own mouth is death and life...Speak words of life to yourself (Encouragement, and positivity over yourself).
Proverbs 18:21

You Take Control!!!

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, December 16, 2017

12/16/17 "Power Activated...YOUR POWER Activated"

12/16/17 Saturday Night

"Power Activated...YOUR POWER Activated"
Luke Chapter 1

Mary the angel come to you 1st, so you would be prepared for the fallout that might happen, so you would be prepared just in case, Joseph decides to walk away and the rumors, they seem to tear you apart.

Mary the angel came to you 1st ,so  you wouldn't abort the life in you, you wouldn't hang your head in shame, so you wouldn't be made to feel promiscuous and forefit the favor on your life.

SOMEBODY: The devil wants you to lose faith in YOURSELF, YOUR RELATIONSHIP, lose faith in JESUS, lose faith in THE DESTINY, THE PURPOSE that's inside you...But the devil is a liar.

The angel came to you 1st, so your power has been activated, released...It's happening for you even though, it doesn't feel like it. Just wait until they see what you already know.
Christmas is a little over a week away, then they will see.
Hold on, Stay strong.

LPS~ Love ProphetessStacy

12/16/17 "The Breaking Of The Alabaster Box"

Saturday 12/16/17

There should be certain love language, certain words that your spouse, your fiancee, boyfriend or girlfriend, your children, your family shouldn't hear spoken to them... BECAUSE those are the words of affection you have reserved for YOUR GOD.

Like for me, I will NEVER call my husband (to be) King..Even though,  a lot of wives do that these days. Not degrading the man, God sends to my life because he will lead and cover me, (and I will greatly appreciated that), but he is not MY KNG....Those words I reseverve for God...He is MY KING, the Lord of Lords.

The bible says, In Proverbs 25:11 from the Message bible : "The right word spoken at the right time is like custom made jewelry"....If you want God to give you a custom made blessing ( and I know, you do) try speaking custom made words, words you have reserved just for him at the right time. Love language! God deserves more than just to hear what you've given everybody else.

The woman who came to Jesus in
Mark 14 and broke her expensive Alabaster  Box open and used what was inside to worship him, fully understood this concept of giving to YOUR GOD apart of yourself that you have not given to another.

Give him what's inside your heart by way of words and deeds, save something special (reserve something) just for him...Love on him, bless him, and watch how he responds to your love language.

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy 

Sunday, December 10, 2017

12/10/17 "No Looking Back...No Going Back"


5 Minutes of Focus
"No Looking Back..No Going Back"

In Genesis 32 Jacob wrestles with an angel of the LORD and is left with a limp as a reminder.

Sometimes, God will leave you with a painful reminder of what you came out of, so that you won't forget and go back.

SOMEBODY: God doesn't want you rushing back into that relationship; forgetting the way, they treated you previously.

SOMEBODY else: God doesn't want you associating with that  certain person...Don't you remember, the damage being associated with them did to your reputation?

And so you limp....Somewhere in your life is a fresh reminder of what they did to you and how you felt (at the particular time).

You think, It's a coincidence that every time their name comes up...You remember....

You think, It's the devil tormenting your mind with the memory of that....But what if it's God?

Jacob wrestled, Jacob fought all night long....It cost him too much, to become Israel to just lose it all, still trying to be Jacob and hang with the people "his former self" used to hang with....So, God deliberately left him with a painful limp.

The limp says: No Looking Back.
Like Lot's wife you can't afford to look back and be changed. Gen 19:26

You can't afford to go back and be the person you used to be....To whom much is given, much is required.
God sacrificed much for you, the least you could do is ACCEPT THE LIMP AND STOP COMPLAINING....The pain has a purpose.

John 3:16 Luke 12:48

Focus Points:

The pain has a purpose.

No Looking Back....No Going Back.

You are no longer Jacob, but Israel.

God is a Father 1st above else, and  he does not want to see you, his Son, his Daughter revert back into a bad relationship, into bad associations because you have FORGOTTEN and it  just seems so easy to do right now.

Forgive, but it's not always WISE to forget.

Bad company corrupts good character.
1 Corin 15:33 NIV


Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, December 3, 2017

12/3/17 "Jesus Is Sitting On What You Need"


5 Minutes of Focus
"Jesus Is Sitting On What You Need"

In John 4:6-7 KJV
Jesus sats on a well...Tired (NIV), but still willing to wait for  A Samaritan Woman to come get what she needed...To me, that really showcases just how beautiful His heart is.

Had that been some of us...We would have said, " Look, I'm tired and I don't feel like waiting on nobody"...But not Jesus.

Beloved,  After this Sunday...Don't spend another day, convinced that you have somehow missed out on what you needed from the LORD.

Just like Jesus sat there, willingly waiting for that Samaritan woman, sitting deliberately on what (he knew) she needed...He is waiting on you too.
Jesus is sitting on what you need, waiting on you to come receive.

The woman in John 4 needed water and here, Jesus was sitting on the well... The exact well (he knew), she would have to come to and draw water.
He was holding it down, UNTIL she could get there.

A Word 4 Somebody: Jesus has had what you need, this whole time, because he knew eventually you would make your way around to asking for it.

If you read John 4 in its entirety....It seems like Jesus deliberately asked the woman for a drink of water, just to start her talking about her life and what she needed.
What is it that you need, but have yet to talk to Jesus about? 

He has it ready and waiting for you to receive....No one else has it or can get it...Jesus is sitting on it, waiting on YOU!!!

Focus Points:

Ask and you will receive.
Matt 7:7 NIV

Ask what you will and it will be done for you....As long as you ABIDE IN HIM and His Words abide in you. That's the key.
John 15:7 KJV

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy