Sunday, November 26, 2017

11/26/17 "Better Things Are Coming"


5 Minutes of Focus
"Better Things Are Coming"

In Matt 14 The chapter starts out with the tragic death of John The Baptist and Jesus feeling the loss, (John was his cousin) withdraws only to end up feeding 5 thousand, only to end up in a storm; he & the disciples and the disciples being afraid of the God they should know and that same God; Jesus Christ walking on water, finally concluding with Peter having enough faith to ask and try to do the same.

Beloved, However, Your chapter started out at the beginning of this year..Please know that "Better Things Are Coming"...Your year might have began with the tragic loss of a loved one and like Jesus, you're feeling the loss. Still, for every loss, there is a miracle to behold,  a miracle so big it could only be God feeding YOU...Feeding you the spiritual food of hope, faith, strength, and peace.

Now, I'm not saying that after you get up from God's table (so to speak) being fed (spiritually and physically)...I'm not saying that you'll never have to go through anything else in your life....YOU  WILL.

That's what happened in the text..Just after feeding the 5 Thousand..Jesus & the disciples went through a storm and the disciples were afraid, so afraid that they didn'teven recognize  Jesus, the God who had been with them.

Have you ever been so afraid that you didn't even recognize God and what he was doing, how he was moving in your life?

If so, You understand where the disciples were coming from in the text. Still, this was not the end of their journey with Jesus. He would go on to show them that all things are possible..When Peter (who was one of them)  got out the boat from among them and walked on the water.

Truthfully, Your life will take a million turns before its conclusion, but still you can look at whatever you're facing and PROPHESY  1st to Yourself: "Better Things Are Coming"..This Is Not The End.
Then PROPHESY to the situation & all who will listen:
"Better Things Are Coming"..All Things Are Possible!

Focus Points:

All things are possible to him who believes.
Mark 9:23 NKJ

Ezekiel: Prophesy!...Can these dry bones live?...You decide.
Ezekiel 37

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, November 19, 2017

11/19/17 "Accept Or Decline"


5 Minutes of Focus
"Accept Or Decline"

In Jeremiah 1 from the NIV: God puts a call in to Jeremiah and Jeremiah answers by telling God his age, what he feels he can't do, basically he speaks his fears.....
And right there, God gently rebukes him...Urging him to not say that.
SOMEBODY: Stop talking yourself out of your dreams because you feel the call or cost is too great.

Don't  you know that before it feels like your dream to you...You will first be tested with hard assignments that seem not to match anything you dreamed of.
But YOU MUST trust God and do just what he asked, what he called you to do...All things really do work together for the good of the one who has been called. Rom 8:28

That means (and hear this in my spirit): If you asked God for a car (that's your dream)...You might  have to ride the bus for a season.
If you asked God for house...You might have to rent for a season.
If you asked God for a spouse...You might have to first face the pain of seeing ALL your friends get married and YOU, still be single, but with a good attitude.

Just remember: Before you were in the womb...You were called, labeled as who you are.  Therefore, Who you are and how you're acting right now comes as no surprise to God.
Jere 1:5

Yes, God knew every insecurity you would possibly have about yourself. Still, he is trusting you not to decline the scary moments, the moments were things look impossible, like you just can't.... and fear is speaking, much louder than your faith.

Still, God is trusting you not to decline those moments, but accept it all and see where it eventually leads..... Beloved, Your dreams are calling you.... Pick up the phone!!!

Focus Points:

Lord, you know everything I want; my cries are not hidden from you.
Psalm 38:9 NCV

Enjoy serving the LORD and he will give you what want.
Psalm 37:4 NCV

If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land.
Isaiah 1:19 ESV

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, November 12, 2017

11/12/17 "The Reason Why"


5 Minutes of Focus
"The Reason Why"
Matt 14:30 NLT

Peter looked down, saw the strength of the wind and discovered the reason why he was suddenly sinking (drowning)....And in order to change that, change what was occuring....He cried out, "Save Me, Lord!"

Beloved, Identify the reason WHY you're drowning and change that.
Yes, people will talk about you, talk about how you were "doing it" and now, look at you!... Drowning, sinking in need of help.
Jesus even talked about Peter and his lack of faith, but Peter didn't seem to care....
Matt 14:31 NLT

Sometimes, You have to be like Peter and just don't seem to care...When you need the help and you know, you need the help...No matter how it looks and what people say: IDENTIFY the problem and then CRY OUT to the problem solver, "Save Me, Lord!"

Peter was able to make it back to the boat...All because he was not ashamed to ask for help. Matt 14:30-32 NLT

You can make it back to a better place in your life, if you will just stop being prideful and ask for help.

Focus Points:

Don't be ashamed to ask for help.

Cry out to the Lord and however, he decides to help and through whomever, he decides to help...Do not get prideful.

It's time you made your way back to a better place in your life.

Identify the problem, the reason why and ask for help.

Stop worrying about how it looks and what people will say.
We all suffer from a loss of faith, hope, and strength every now and then.

Yet, When we are weak...
He is strong.
2 Corin 12:8-9 KJV

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, November 5, 2017

11/5/17 " For A While"


5 Minutes of Focus
"For A While"
1 Kings 17:1-9 NIV

And for a while, the brook met Elijah's every need (along with some ravens), but then it all dried up (changed).

What is it that has changed in your life and you're finding it hard to accept?

Often times, God will let one area of dependency dry up...So, that we can grow up, change, elvove in our perception, attitude and direction.

Your future is not just one stream of income (that's why Elijah couldn't stay at that brook...That brook was only one stream).
Beloved, Just like Elijah had to go and connect with a widow woman to get what he needed and she receive the finances she needed...There is someone you're supposed to connect with who will bless your future, your finances, your situation.

So, Don't get discouraged just because what you thought was solid is now shaky and you're finding yourself having to move on...It was only for a while (temporary)  and with good reason.

Focus Points:

Begin to look at people, the way God looks at people from the heart and not their physical appearance.
1 Sam 16:7 NIV

To the world around them, I'm sure, the widow woman in the text looked just like that,  " a widow woman" but still she had in her possession something Elijah needed and vice versa. Elijah could do for her what she could not do for herself.

To the world around them, I'm sure, Jacob looked like nothing more than "a con artist" but still Laban was blessed because of him.
Gen 30:27 NLT

In short: Don't  judge a book by its cover...READ ITS CONTENT FIRST!!!...Your blessing lies in the table of content of someone else.

Think about that!

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy