Sunday, October 29, 2017

10/29/17 "Broken At The Brook"


5 Minutes of Focus
"Broken At The Brook"

In 1 Kings 17:1-9 NIV
Elijah spoke a WORD right from where he was  and declared, "There would not be dew nor rain( in this place) except at my WORD"...He knew the power of a word.

So, when God told him to leave from that place and go to a certain brook he called by name; Elijah went.
And for a while, the brook meet his every need (along with some ravens), but then it all dried up (changed).

Still what I love is that Elijah didn't panic, get upset, he didn't blame God or get depressed after the brook dried up. Instead, he knew the power of a word and of his God...God gave his WORD to Elijah that there would now be a widow woman who would provide for him.
So, Elijah went to her house, expecting.

Do you have the faith of Elijah? What are you expecting or are you broken at the brook?
Broken. Panicking. Upset. Blaming God. Depressed because the brook (your money, your health & health insurance, your living arrangements, your  relationship, your marriage , your job, your career) has dried up.

It's so easy to let yourself be broken at the brook, to be hurt BEYOND hurt.
This Sunday, I encourage you to look for God in ways you NEVER would have expected him....He's talking to somebody's spirit right now about helping you.
It might look like you can't be helped, but I assure you...You can be...Dry your eyes and focus.

Focus Points:

God did not spare his own Son, BUT GAVE him for us all--- how will he not also along with him, graciously give us ALL THINGS?
Rom 8:32 NIV

Eye has not seen and ear has not heard, has not entered into the heart of man ALL that God has prepared, made and KEEPS READY for those who love Him.
1 Corin 2:9 AMPC

So, What I'm I trying to say?
Beloved, The truth is:
If he did it before....He'll do it again...Provide food for you, Pay your bills, Heal you, House you because he cares for you.
Psalm 55:22 NIV

Therefore, when your soul is (broken at the brook); when your soul is in the dumps...Rehearse everything  you know of Him.
Psalm 42:6 MSG

KNOW & Trust Him.
Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, October 22, 2017

10/22/17 "God Restores"


5 Minutes of Focus
"God Restores"

In John 20:11-16  NIV
After the cross, Jesus' body comes up missing....Mary Magdalene stands at the tomb, crying; thinking somebody  had taken (stolen, kidnapped) the body of her LORD...Eventually, Jesus himself, comes to Mary and ask, " Woman, why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?"....But Mary doesn't realize, it's Jesus whose asking her this....Not UNTIL, He called her out by name,  "Mary."....Then, she turned to him and said, "Rabboni" (Teacher)...Her crying completely stopped.

It is my sincere prayer that...God will call you out of the pain you're in, that the crying will stop for you and whatever was lost will be restored to you.

God cares about you and what you're going through as an individual...Your name nor pain isn't lost somewhere in the resources of his mind.
No, the LORD (Jesus) is mindful of you.
Psalm 8:4 NKJ
Psalm 115:12 NKJ

You may not feel worthy of his attention, but still he is mindful of you, collecting your tears in a bottle, not wanting to waste any of your emotions. 
Psalm 56:8 NKJ

SOMEBODY: It is not a waste...You are not a waste....So, there's no need to get wasted....Drugs, alcohol, sexually escapades  (outside of marriage) is not the answer.
Shopping trying to  drown the pain in the biggest, best, most expensive of things is not the answer...You'll only end up drowning in debt and possibly lose whatever you do have left.  
Beloved,  That's not the answer, but just as Jesus called Mary out by name and she stopped crying, just as God answered Job out of the storm. Job 38:1 NIV
He will answer you, call you out and bring restoration to you, to your life...No need to give up now.

Focus Points:

God will cause all things (Even what you're going through right now) to work TOGETHER (to connect, to come together and make sense) for the good. Romans 8:28

Jesus said: You don't realize NOW what I'm doing, but later you will understand.
John 13:7 NIV

God will restore your health and heal your wounds.
Oh yes, God Restores.
Jere 30:17 NIV

Receive on Today...
Until Next Sunday,
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, October 15, 2017

10/15/17 "One Of The Others"


5 Minutes Of Focus
"One Of The Others"

In John 10:16 NIV
Jesus talks about having OTHER sheep that ARE NOT of that particular sheep pen, but they too will listen to his voice.

I remember reading that scripture years ago and feeling like, "I just had to be ONE OF THE OTHERS Jesus was talking about"....I mean, for me that would explain so much. It would definitely explain: Why I feel odd (different) and I never have been able to fit in....To this day, I still feel like an outsider that somehow found my way into the sheep pen, for which I am grateful.

Therefore, I'm not, nor do I know how to be a typical Christian...I do not believe that only this one and that one, that happens to look a certain way can hear Jesus' voice (hear, listen to and obey his voice). No, I believe Jesus has other sheep (just as he said) that are not churchy or even in a church setting, but they hear his voice and they too help make up the sheep pen that has only ONE SHEPHERD.

Beloved, Those of you who have experienced some things and were left feeling some kinda way...You feel like an outsider, you feel like an outcast...You Are Not Alone. Take comfort in knowing that Jesus knows exactly where you're at and he's coming for you to bring you to Himself and the people that don't recognize you as a Man Of God or a Woman Of God will; not that it matters, but they will.

Just like people recognize me NOW as a Woman Of God with a full time internet ministry 5 years strong....Your day of recognition is coming until then...

Focus Points:

Stay true to YOURSELF and to the GOD that created you, called you, and placed you in the industry, the business, the part of the world you're in.

If God is for you, who can be against you? Rom 8:31 NIV

Until Next Sunday....
For one outsider, one outcast to another...Stay Strong!

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, October 8, 2017

10/8/17 "Living With A Lie"


5 Minutes of Focus
"Living With A Lie"

In Genesis 39
Potiphar's wife falsely accuses Joseph of rape...He didn't rape her, it was a elaborate lie...But God allowed the lie, to be as elaborate, as it was.

I mean, she could have lied to her husband and said (since she was THE BOSS' s wife)..."Honey, Your employee mouthed off at me today, he totally disrepected me." But no, she had to take it ALL THE WAY with the claim of rape.

Here's where God comes in:
God knew a charge of rape would get Joseph removed from that environment and placed in prison for a season.

Prophecy Moment:
Somebody: You keep hoping, praying for the truth to come out...But God is using that lie, as elaborate as it is, to bring you out.

You might have to live with (accept) the lie that's been told on you, but you don't have to live with the liar....Therefore, God is bringing you out. He's  either going to remove you  from that environment or remove them.

Right now, I know you feel imprisoned, but even in prison (and Joseph was in an actual prison)...You are still favored by God...God's hand of grace and mercy is still on your life, just as with Joseph.

God is using this time of imprisonment  (physically for some, mentally, emotionally for others) to get you to accept the lie and move on....Joseph got out of prison and NEVER  looked back at Potiphar's wife,  he accepted the lie AND a brand new promotion that now awaited him. Genesis 41

Focus Points:
Accept the lie, let it go, God has a purpose for it all.
Rom 8:28 NLT

Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.
Prov 3:5 NLT

Pray This Prayer: "Lord, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change...."
From: The Serenity Prayer

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, October 1, 2017

10/1/17 "That Funny Look"


5 Minutes of Focus
"That Funny Look"

In John 4  from the Message Bible: The disciple had gone to the villiage to buy food for lunch and in their absence, Jesus made his move...Jesus talks to the woman at the well.
There were SO MANY reasons why Jesus shouldn't have been talking to a woman; especially that woman (according to the customs of that society).

John 4:26 MSG
Jesus reveals who he is to the woman saying, " I am he (The Messiah). You don't have to wait any longer or look any further."
John 4:27 MSG Just then his disciples came back. They were shocked.  They couldn't believe he was talking to THAT KIND OF WOMAN. No one said what they were all thinking, but their faces showed it. 

The disciples had "That Funny Look " on their faces...You know that funny look people get, when inwardly, they're  judging you. The disciples were actually judging Jesus (being judgemental of his decision to talk to the woman at the well).
You would think the disciples would know better, but oh well.

Focus Points:

1. It's the people closest to you that will be the most judgmental of you.

2. Take it from Jesus...You will not be able to please everybody.

3. The decisions you make WITH YOUR LIFE will always offend somebody.

As for "That Funny Look", that judgmental look...People can get that look over the silliest of things...The bible says: "The disciples had a look that showed on their faces"... and it was not like Jesus was flirting, or being inappropriate towards the woman in any kinda way....He was just TALKING to her....breaking the rules set for that society; YES, but still it was just a conversation. Geez!!!

Sometimes, You may have to cross that line, set by society, in order to be in line with Jesus.

Jesus is not a racist,  a womanizer, a hater, a criticizer, but he is a PRO-LIFER...He will offer life, a chance, an opportunity to anybody..Because he knows how it feels to be judged unfairly....You are not alone.
Matt 7:1 AMP

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy