Monday, August 5, 2024

8/5/24 "School Prayer"

Father God,
I pray over the mind of every teacher, every principal, every bus driver, every cafeteria worker, over every person who will come in contact with our children this school year. I pray that they stand before our children in their right mind, displaying the mind of Christ- His love & compassion to every child regardless of race, disability, or inability.  I pray that there be no inappropriate actions or behavior shown towards our children or by our children.

This year, I pray that adults will be adults and children will be children and there will be no ungodly mingling of the two. This year, I pray school will be a safe haven for our children to learn & grow and not be inappropriately approached or bullied.

I pray, Father God,
That your divine wisdom & anointing will crown the head of every child and help them to do the work needed to advance, to excel.

Last but not least, I send the blood of Jesus ahead of our children to every school, every classroom, every door, every desk that the enemy will not be able to attack. This year the enemy will NOT be able to steal, kill, and destroy. The angel of the Lord be on duty, encamping around about them.
In Jesus name,

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