Sunday, August 18, 2024

8/18/24 "Hooked"


5 Minutes of Focus 

Peter was full of confidence at first... Boldly asking to be released from the boat he shared with the other disciples and to come out on the water. 

He was full of confidence until he looked down and noticed the condition of the water.
Matthew 14:25-30 NIV

There are some things, some circumstances, and even some people God wants you to keep your eyes off of in this season.

Keep your eyes off of it, off of them...
It's all a part of the devil's charm to get you distracted 1st in your mind by what you see and then in your mouth by what you say about what you see. 

And just like that the distraction has become fish bait sent to get your mouth hooked on the negativity you see.

Peter’s mouth got hooked and he went from talking boldly, having bold faith to actually believing he was drowning and crying out in fear, " Lord, Save Me!!

So, Which is it:
👉 Is your mouth hooked on negativity?
👉 Is your eyes distracted by something or someone you shouldn't even be focused on?

👉 Are you full of confidence still?
👉 Are you still boldly asking, believing?
👉 Or are you the one crying out, "Lord, Save Me!!...Because you feel like you're drowning, like you've taken in or perhaps taken on more than you can handle.

Either way, Jesus ended up escorting Peter back to the same boat he was once in and the scripture says that when THEY climbed into the boat, the wind died down.
Matthew 14:32 NIV

I decree & declare that whatever or whoever has hooked you, distracted you...It is only temporary. Jesus is still near and things will die down.

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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