Sunday, August 25, 2024

8/25/24 "Worry & Me"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Worry & Me"
[6] Don't worry about anything, but pray about everything. With thankful hearts offer up your prayers and requests to God. 
Philip 4:6 CEV

Stop worrying. Worry is not a good look on you.
The longer you give in to worry, the more you look ungrateful in the eyes of man for the things God has already done in your life.

It's important that you stay in faith and not let anxiety get the best of you. You never know whose watching you.

Don't loose your witness for Christ in a moment of weakness. If He truly is "good all the time"...Then look like He is and stop worrying. 

In the bible, God had blessed Job abundantly. He had a family, houses, land, and cattle. LIFE WAS GOOD!!

But when it came to his children, Job worried....
He worried about what THEY MIGHT be doing that he knew not of. So, Just in case, they were sinning- doing something God would not approve of; Job gave an offering for each of them.
Job 1:5 CEV

At 1st glance, you might think, Job was acting in faith on behalf of his childen...

But how is it faith, when you are thinking negative thoughts about your children, about what they might or might not even be doing?

And like Job, you're worried and  trying to say you're doing what you're doing, "just in case", but really you're doing it just because...
Just because you're worried and you don't like not knowing. You don't like feeling powerless; having to rely solely on faith and not your own sight or capability.

Faith has you blind in this season and you're worried.
BUT YET...We walk by faith and not sight.
2 Corin 5:7 KJV


Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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