Sunday, August 25, 2024

8/25/24 "Worry & Me"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Worry & Me"
[6] Don't worry about anything, but pray about everything. With thankful hearts offer up your prayers and requests to God. 
Philip 4:6 CEV

Stop worrying. Worry is not a good look on you.
The longer you give in to worry, the more you look ungrateful in the eyes of man for the things God has already done in your life.

It's important that you stay in faith and not let anxiety get the best of you. You never know whose watching you.

Don't loose your witness for Christ in a moment of weakness. If He truly is "good all the time"...Then look like He is and stop worrying. 

In the bible, God had blessed Job abundantly. He had a family, houses, land, and cattle. LIFE WAS GOOD!!

But when it came to his children, Job worried....
He worried about what THEY MIGHT be doing that he knew not of. So, Just in case, they were sinning- doing something God would not approve of; Job gave an offering for each of them.
Job 1:5 CEV

At 1st glance, you might think, Job was acting in faith on behalf of his childen...

But how is it faith, when you are thinking negative thoughts about your children, about what they might or might not even be doing?

And like Job, you're worried and  trying to say you're doing what you're doing, "just in case", but really you're doing it just because...
Just because you're worried and you don't like not knowing. You don't like feeling powerless; having to rely solely on faith and not your own sight or capability.

Faith has you blind in this season and you're worried.
BUT YET...We walk by faith and not sight.
2 Corin 5:7 KJV


Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, August 18, 2024

8/18/24 "Hooked"


5 Minutes of Focus 

Peter was full of confidence at first... Boldly asking to be released from the boat he shared with the other disciples and to come out on the water. 

He was full of confidence until he looked down and noticed the condition of the water.
Matthew 14:25-30 NIV

There are some things, some circumstances, and even some people God wants you to keep your eyes off of in this season.

Keep your eyes off of it, off of them...
It's all a part of the devil's charm to get you distracted 1st in your mind by what you see and then in your mouth by what you say about what you see. 

And just like that the distraction has become fish bait sent to get your mouth hooked on the negativity you see.

Peter’s mouth got hooked and he went from talking boldly, having bold faith to actually believing he was drowning and crying out in fear, " Lord, Save Me!!

So, Which is it:
👉 Is your mouth hooked on negativity?
👉 Is your eyes distracted by something or someone you shouldn't even be focused on?

👉 Are you full of confidence still?
👉 Are you still boldly asking, believing?
👉 Or are you the one crying out, "Lord, Save Me!!...Because you feel like you're drowning, like you've taken in or perhaps taken on more than you can handle.

Either way, Jesus ended up escorting Peter back to the same boat he was once in and the scripture says that when THEY climbed into the boat, the wind died down.
Matthew 14:32 NIV

I decree & declare that whatever or whoever has hooked you, distracted you...It is only temporary. Jesus is still near and things will die down.

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, August 10, 2024

8/11/24 "Move On & Accept It "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Move On & Accept It"
[8] Then Jesse called Abinadab and had him pass in front of Samuel. But Samuel said, “The Lord has not chosen this one either.” [9] Jesse then had Shammah pass by, but Samuel said, “Nor has the Lord chosen this one.” [10] Jesse had seven of his sons pass before Samuel, but Samuel said to him, “The Lord has not chosen these.” 
1 Samuel 16:8-10 NIV

How many times will rejection have to come in that area, by the same person, about the same thing BEFORE you move on and accept it was NOT God’s will?

Rejection came 7xs in the same area, about the same thing and EACH TIME (the prophet) Samuel had to say, The Lord hasn't chosen this one; trying to get Jesse to accept the fact that the 7 sons he so dearly loved, may have been great men, but kings they were not!!

Don't be like Jesse. Stop putting yourself in a position where you have to be told, "No" over & over again.

Stop breaking your own heart over a dream that you wanted to come true; a dream you never bothered to take before the Lord for His approval. You just assumed it was of God because of the way things looked to you.

But you must remember, you are on the outside looking in, but God sees everything & everybody from the inside out.

Otherwise, Eliab would have been anointed the next king (out of Jesse's 7 sons). He looked the part; even had Samuel  (the prophet) fooled by his appearance. 
1 Samuel 30:6-7 NIV

They are not the one. That is not the place, the position, or timing of God.

Accept that it's not God's will and move on. Don't allow anger to build up inside of you until one day, "out of the blue" you explode, verbally attacking someone close to you. Over what? The rejection you're feeling right now. 
Read: 1 Samuel Chapters 16 & 17 and connect the dots between Eliab & David.

To this day, Eliab owes David an apology he will never get...
All because of rejection.
God loved him enough to not choose him and He loved you enough to not choose you, to not choose them for you, or that for you. It was your plan, but God’s decision to make according to Proverbs 16:9 CEV

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Monday, August 5, 2024

8/5/24 "School Prayer"

Father God,
I pray over the mind of every teacher, every principal, every bus driver, every cafeteria worker, over every person who will come in contact with our children this school year. I pray that they stand before our children in their right mind, displaying the mind of Christ- His love & compassion to every child regardless of race, disability, or inability.  I pray that there be no inappropriate actions or behavior shown towards our children or by our children.

This year, I pray that adults will be adults and children will be children and there will be no ungodly mingling of the two. This year, I pray school will be a safe haven for our children to learn & grow and not be inappropriately approached or bullied.

I pray, Father God,
That your divine wisdom & anointing will crown the head of every child and help them to do the work needed to advance, to excel.

Last but not least, I send the blood of Jesus ahead of our children to every school, every classroom, every door, every desk that the enemy will not be able to attack. This year the enemy will NOT be able to steal, kill, and destroy. The angel of the Lord be on duty, encamping around about them.
In Jesus name,

Sunday, August 4, 2024

8/4/24 "Celebrate The Can's "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Celebrate The Can's"
David said:
[13] I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13 NKJV

Maybe your ALL hasn't manifested yet and so you are still limited in some areas despite your faith in God.

Don't give up. Stay focused on the things you can do, the things that His strength has allowed you to do, to accomplish. 

I know ALL is the goal, ALL is the promise, but you must remember that for each person that reads and believes Philip 4:13...ALL means something different.

However, The one thing we do have in common is while we may not have the ability yet to ALL we want to do  currently...We do have the ability to do ALL we need to do... That's where the strength of God kicks in.

Think About It!!

Philip 4:13 in the ERV translation  says,
[13] Christ is the one who gives me the strength I need to do whatever I must do.

You're just out here doing what you can do; doing whatever you must do.

You would love to be able to do ALL things in every area of your life through Christ who strengthens you, but UNTIL you enter that season where everything that is due becomes due (and available to you -Gal 6:9 KJV), and ALL is really ALL with no limitations...

Keep doing the best you can. Celebrate "The Can's" -the things you can do and just know that when The "ALL" that God's talking about does manifest...It will be ALL, it will be everything and your daily life will take a shift for the better because of it.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy