Sunday, March 3, 2024

3/3/24 "Marriage II"


5 Minutes of Focus 

Marriage II
[22] He  who finds a wife finds a good thing, And obtains favor from the Lord.
Proverbs 18:22 NKJV

Father God,
Extend more & more grace to those who are either seeking to find or waiting to be found.

As your word says, He who finds a wife...That's the job of the single man...

But Father, What I LOVE is that YOU NEVER said, He
was to find her on his own. Partner, with that one who is actively trying to find his wife.

Open his eyes and mind to realize that he needs YOU in order to find HER.

Help him to realize 1st of all his need for you not just as a single man looking for a wife, but as a man in general (from day to day).

It's NOT good for man to be alone (Gen 2:18), but it's even worst for that man to be without YOU, to be GOD-LESS.

Therefore, Give him 1st of all a hunger and thirst for YOU that is unmatched and unraveled.

Keep calling him to YOU, to a deeper time of prayer with YOU.

So, That you will be the one to reveal who his help mate is and NOT his own fleshly desires.

Do the same, Father God for the single female waiting to be found.

Help her to prepare NOT only to be found, but prepare her NOW to be that good thing for him when she is found.

Help her to discover what it really means to be a good thing for that man that is her husband to be.

Help her fulfill her part of Proverbs 18:22

Keep her in prayer.
Keep him in prayer.
May they (BOTH) not awaken love before its time.
Songs of Solomon 8:4

Before its time- which means that Real love has a time attached to it.

May all these things come to pass in YOUR TIMING, Father.

We seek YOUR WILL.

And it is so.
Somebody: Say Amen.
In Jesus name,

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