Saturday, February 24, 2024

2/25/24 "Marriage I"


5 Minutes of Focus

Marriage I
‭‭Genesis 2:18 AMP‬‬
[18] Now the Lord God said, “It is not good (beneficial) for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper [one who balances him—a counterpart who is] suitable and complementary for him.” 

Married couples:
Look at your spouse...
Does that person bring a sense of balance to who you are?

Is that person suitable for you, suitable for the lifestyle you have chosen?

Could their presence be easily viewed as a  compliment or insult to who you are?
Any negative responses is an area where God is saying you and your spouse need to work things out.

Single people: 
Ask yourself the same questions in regards to the person you got your eyes on, the person you are currently dating.

Father God,
Look upon every help-mate, finding it hard to help their mate. They're trying, but without your help nothing will be accomplished that needs to be accomplished. It will just be another day of wasted energy, wasted effort.

But with you, God... The things that look impossible for this marriage will be. Mark 9:23 declares that NOT SOME, but ALL things are possible for him who believes.

Therefore, I believe for unity, joy, and peace in marriages that appear to be struggling right now.

I pray for understanding where there has been misunderstanding and for the willingness to talk where there has been a lack of communication. 

Father God,
Give every wife under the sound of my voice a heart for her husband and every husband a heart for you, MAKE Him a man after your own heart, GOD.

Teach him how to love his wife as Christ loved The Church and gave Himself for it.

Teach him the sacrifices his wife needs (because NOT every woman needs the same thing) , teach him how to sacrifice himself for her, to be unselfish towards her, always thinking of her, before he thinks of himself,  his own wants & needs.

And Teach her to respect her husband and submit to him as unto YOU, GOD. 

Teach her that's it's okay to follow him as long as he is following YOU.

Teach her to FINALLY put down her water pot (John 4:28) Her waterpot- ALL the things she's felt she's had to carry on her own all this time.

Help her to feel safe enough to finally let down her guard.
In Jesus name

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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