Saturday, July 9, 2022

7/9/22 "Out Of The Moment


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Out Of The Moment"
Have you ever spoke out of the emotions of the moment?
Of course, you have...We ALL have EVEN Jesus.

Jesus when He was on The Cross cried out:

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, so far from my cries of anguish?
Psalms 22:1 NIV

The (CEV) says,
My God, my God, why have you deserted me? Why are you so far away? Won't you listen to my groans and come to my rescue?
Psalms 22:1 CEV

Jesus spoke out of the pain, out of the anguish He was feeling in that moment. It hurt Him so bad to be separated from THE FATHER,.Thank goodness it was only temporary. 

NOW, Think about a time when you spoke out of the emotions you were feeling in that moment. God understands,

God understands...And somebody you need to know that He forgives you...
But it's up to you to forgive yourself, and move past it.

People may have a hard  time forgiving you for words you have spoken out of  the emotions you were feeling in the moment....BUT NOT GOD!

It's much easier for GOD to forgive you than people because He knows you in a way that they never will.

He knew what you were going to say BEFORE you said it according to Psalm 139:4 NIV
Knowing just somehow makes the process of forgiving easier.

You are forgiven....But that doesn't mean you are exempt from the need to repent.

Because you are NOT!!
Holy Spirit will let you know if and when you've went too far, crossed a line and need to repent....

Not just say, "I'm sorry",
but repent  meaning- change your mind for the better, heartily amend your ways, with abhorrence of your past sins...
Matthew 4:17 AMPC

Selah-  Pause & Think About That!!
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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