Saturday, July 30, 2022

7/31/22 "Hurting In Silence "


5 Minutes of Focus

"Hurting In Silence"
In Matthew 14:
Jesus cousin, John the Baptist was beheaded (murdered).

John's disciples came and took his body and buried it. Then they went and told Jesus. When Jesus heard what had happened, HE WITHDREW by boat privately to a solitary place. Hearing of this, the crowds followed him on foot from the towns. When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick....And so, He never really got the opportunity to grieve. 
Matthew 14:1-14 NIV

Notice how in the text, the 1st thing Jesus did upon hearing about the death of his cousin was WITHDREW- He wanted to be alone to mentally process what he had just heard, mentally process what he was feeling.

So, He WITHDREW by boat privately- which again indicates that He wanted to be alone in that moment.

Because remember Jesus was BOTH God & Man when He walked this earth.

The bible says, He was a man acquainted with grief...
So, He had feelings. 
Isaiah 53:3 NKJ

But Here's the thing, NO ONE ever thinks to check on those of us who are strong.

Jesus was strong, but he could have used a hug in that moment. 

Instead, There was a crowd there when he landed, waiting to receive from Him.

They needed Him, but not one of them stopped to think, even for a second...If Jesus could have needed something from them as well.

People just automatically think because you are the giving type, the nurturing type...You don't need to be given to, checked on etc.

And just like so many of us...
Jesus ended up pushing what he was feeling aside, to be there for everyone else.

Beloved, Jesus understands all to well, what it feels like to have so much pressure on you, trying to be there for EVERYONE to the point that you neglect your own needs.

How I wished I could have hugged Jesus in that moment...Just been there with Him in that  moment, and backed the crowd off for a few minutes; enough to allow Him to feel, to process the tragic news He had just heard.

Then I heard Jesus say via
His Holy Spirit....
If you want to hug me...
Embrace my body.

Think about it....
When you hug somebody you are literally embracing that person's body.
But how do we Embrace the body of Jesus?

Then I remembered....
The words Jesus said at the last supper. 
and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, “Take, eat; this is My body."
1 Corin 11:24 NKJ

Therefore, We embrace the body of Jesus, we hug Him  during our times of communion with Him. 🍞🍷

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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