Saturday, July 16, 2022

7/17/22 "Greatness"


5 Minutes of Focus 

Joseph couldn't have been happy with the way his brothers treated him; how they made fun of him for dreaming, throwed him in the pit and had no problem selling him like he was something in the produce section. Then he was lied on by Potiphar's wife and imprisoned; made to have a criminal record even though he was innocent. All this occurred to put Josepn in position to be the governor of Egypt, to save lives, to keep his family during the famine etc.
● Read Genesis Chapters- 37, 39, 41, and 45

BELOVED, I told you all that to remind of your own greatness!! There is not ONE PERSON alive and truly walking in greatness, doing great things for the glory of God who has had an easy past, an easy life. 

You see them where they are now, but they literally have been through HELL emotionally to get where they are. 

That's why you should NEVER be jealous of someone else's success. You don't  know the cost they had to pay to be who they are today.

But you know your journey thus far....The things that God has allowed you to go through, allowed as a part of testimony.

Testify every step of the way that's how you overcome the devil. Rev 12:11 KJV

Don't live in regret or seek to change ANYTHING about your past or present. It's all making you who you are suppose to be in the earth.

Your greatest doors are still ahead...Greatness is being unlocked. So, Don't give up. Don't become weary, looking to make sense of it all. It will all make sense in time.
Gal 6:9 NIV 

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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