Saturday, January 8, 2022

1/8/22 "Look Like God"


"Look Like God"

#Sponsorship Saturday:

If you seriously want to look like the God you serve in this earth....Then you must give.

Giving is when you and I look most like God.

When we give what we have to help someone else, we are being a picture of God in the earth that NO MAN, woman, boy, or girl can deny.

Have you ever given someone a gift so good, a gift they weren't expecting to the point that it left them speechless?

That's the impact giving like God has on people, ALL people.

Because from the very beginning, God gave, in order to help us; God made the ultimate sacrifice and gave.

For here is the way God loved the world—he gave his only, unique Son as a gift. So now everyone who believes in him will never perish but experience everlasting life. 
John 3:16 TPT 

Then through Jesus, he went on to let us know what we are suppose to do when we have been blessed to have, but see someone else that does not have.

17 If anyone sees a fellow believer in need and has the means to help him, yet shows no pity and closes his heart against him, how is it even possible that God’s love lives in him? 

18 Beloved children, our love can’t be an abstract theory we only talk about, but a way of life demonstrated through our loving deeds. 
1 John 3:17‭-‬18 TPT 

So, Want you demonstrate the love of God, His agape love to a child that does not have it as good as you did as a cihild?

Want you demonstrate the love of God, His agape love to a child that doesn't have it nearly as a good as your children, but they are just as deserving as one of your own?

For just $39 a month become a #WorldVision sponsor...

Your money gets combined with other sponsors (who are also sponsoring a child) within that same community AND TOGETHER we can make the greatest impact on a child's life, on a community.

Help provide:
• Clean water
• Nutritious food
• Healthcare
• Education

Correspond with the child through letters, videos, yearly progress reports, so you can track the  progress being made etc.

Learn More & Become a WV sponsor today...

You won't regret it.

Click the link below:

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