Saturday, January 22, 2022

1/22/22 "They Just Won't Let Me Be Great!"


#Sponsorship Saturday:

"They Just Won't Let Me Be Great!"

What's that saying that's real popular right now?

"They Just Won't Let Me Be Great!"

Guess what?
I made up my mind....

I'm not trying to be great, but I want to help others be the greatest they have ever been.

Isn't that what Jesus did when he was physically here on the earth?

He wasn't seeking to be great or trying to promote his own greatness, but he went about making everybody he encounter the greatest they've ever been.

ALL the healings were about putting a cripple man, a blind man and so many others in a greater position of power, in a position were they could help themselves and not be totally depended on people.
John 5, Mark 10

One such time stands out in my mind especially, even though it wasn't a physical healing.

In John 4:
Jesus meets up with the woman at the well and as she talks...

He calls out the condition of her personal life, the status of her relationship.

Why? Because He wanted something greater for her than what she was settling for.

Many of you are settling for LESS than God's best in your life, and God just wants you to be great and for you to help someone else be great. Pay it forward!!!

But some of you have been settling for LESS for so long...It goes all the way back to your childhood.

As a child you settled....

It shouldn't be that way, NO ADULT and especially NO CHILD should have to grow up settling for LESS because of the country they're in,  because of the environment they're in. When the bible says, God so loved THE WORLD- He meant that GLOBALLY.
John 3:16

So, Now that you know, God meant for his love to have a global impact, he meant for greatness to be the level of ALL  he created, but especially those who are born again and are His children.

Starting with the least of these...
Let's help somebody else be great, starting with a child, starting an impoverished community. 

Become #WorldVision sponsor impact the life of a child.
They deserve to be great!!!

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