Saturday, October 30, 2021

10/31/21 "When It's Finished "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"When It's Finished'

Jesus told the Father to forgive them for they know NOT what they do.... But He NEVER said, He would  get on The Cross and let them treat him like that again. Instead, He said, "It Is Finished."
John 19:30 NIV
Luke 23:34 NKJ 

Beloved, You have to learn that when it's finished, it is finished...UNTIL OR UNLESS God tells you different. 

It is finished....

NO MORE making excuses, blaming yourself for changing your mind and deciding to put yourself 1st.

Everybody has a boiling point, a point where they realize something must be done, before an even bigger mess is created.

Have you ever left water boiling on the stove too long?

What happened? The heat coming from the stove caused the water to boil over and create a mess that needed to be cleaned up.

SOMEBODY: That's what you're doing now...You're cleaning up the mess that was made, so that you can heal.

You see, Just because you allowed them to treat you that way one time does NOT mean you have to keep subjecting yourself to the same thing over and over again.

For Jesus, The Cross was a ONE TIME thing...He NEVER said, He would be willing to endure that type of pain again.

But He did say,  "It is Finished" and to forgive...

Forgive meaning that EVERY day you are going to renew your mind in the Word Of God. 
Rom 12:2 NIV

Renew your mind meaning let God teach you how to stop holding on to that grudge, teach you how to stop being offended by something they said or did.

In doing so:
• You're NOT setting yourself up to be hurt again.
• And you're certainly NOT helping them get over on  you again, by choosing to forgive.
• You're NOT a weak individual. 
• You will NOT re-live any of what you've been through.

It just means that you're strong enough now to STOP trying to fight your own battle and give it to God.
Exodus 14:14

Let God repay what needs to be repaid and judge what needs to judged.

But as for you, It's  time to start again right from where you are..

It's time you began your healing process and MOVE ON.

Because when it's finished...It is finished. 

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

10/30/21 "Give Them Something To Eat"

#Sponsorship Saturday:

Send the crowds away, so they can go to the villages and buy themselves some food.” Jesus replied, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.”
Matthew 14:15‭-‬16 NIV

You are the solution that somebody needs, but instead of being obedient and putting pressure on your faith to deliver...

You have in days passed responded like the disciples to the need that is right before you.

You keep trying to push away what God is telling you to do, thinking the situation will take care of itself,  thinking they can "somehow"  take care of themselves.

But what if, they can't? What if God is calling you to be the solution needed for a child who is in need of nutrition, clean water, education etc.?

Jesus response to the disciples was: "They don't need to go away....YOU GIVE THEM something to eat."

Click the link to give a child something to eat. Let's be obedient one child at a time.

Become A #WorldVision Sponsor TODAY.

Saturday, October 23, 2021

10/24/21 " It's Not Unscripted"


5 Minutes of Focus

"It's Not Unscripted "

but with your own eyes you saw my body being formed. Even before I was born, you had written in your book everything about me.
Psalms 139:16 CEV

There's nothing about you that catches God by surprised, there is nothing you can say or do to shock Him because He already knows everything about you.
It's all written in His book...

And you thought, the things you're facing now were unscripted.

But God says, How can it be unscripted when I know the end from the beginning?
Isaiah 46:9-10 NKJ

How can it be unscripted when I have promised you an expected end?
Jere 29:11 KJV

Expect it to end whatever you're going through....
Expect it to end...
Expect it to come to screeching halt.

In the meantime, Begin to say like Jesus when  Satan was trying to tempt Him in EVERY area imaginable...."It Is Written".
Matthew 4

It's not unscripted. 

It Is Written.

God knew this day would be, but He also knows YOU.

SOMEBODY: God knows you. 
He knows you have what it takes to make it. This too shall pass, come to a screeching halt. 

Screeching halt- to make a loud and very high sound when stopping a car.

A car -a moving object.

God says, He's bringing to a screeching halt that thing that came at you fast & hard.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

10/23/21 "You Don't Have To Be Lonely"

#Sponsorship Saturday:

You don't have to be lonely...Loneliness for ANYBODY is a choice.

God says, Loneliness is a choice. You may have not be able to have children due to fertility issues or perhaps like Naomi your child is deceased and now your struggling to fill the VOID such heartache brings which is why I honestly believe God caused Ruth to remain in Naomi's life.
See Ruth Chapter 1

Naomi had two sons to die and her husband was also deceased. So, I honestly believe Ruth was there to fill the void, to love on Naomi, to learn from Naomi because EVERYBODY needs someone they can pour into.

The wonderful thing about pouring into someone's life, loving on someone is it can be felt inspite of distance.

Right now, there is a child who would love to fill the void of so much of your hurt and be on the receiving end of your love and support.
Consider helping a child in need through #WorldVision sponsorship.

Click the link to get all the details and SPONSOR one these adorable children.

Saturday, October 16, 2021

10/17/21 "He Understands You "


5 Minutes Of Focus

"He Understands You"

And at three o’clock Jesus shouted with a mighty voice in Aramaic, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” —that is, “My God, My God, why have you deserted me?” Some who were standing near the cross misunderstood and said, “He’s calling for Elijah.” One bystander ran and got a sponge, soaked it with sour wine, then put it on a stick and held it up for Jesus to drink. But the rest said, “Leave him alone! Let’s see if Elijah comes to rescue him.” Jesus passionately cried out, took his last breath, and gave up his spirit. 
Matthew 27:46‭-‬50 TPT 

In the final moments of his life here on earth as a Man...Jesus knew what it felt like to be deserted, to be forsaken, to be left alone.

So, when He says in Deut 31:8 NIV "I will never leave you nor forsake you"...Jesus who is God is saying to you, I will NEVER do to you what was done to me; I will NEVER do to you what others have done because I understand how you feel.

He understands you because he has been you, emotionally he has felt what you're feeling; whatever you're feeling.

Remember, Hebrews 4:15 from the (CEV) says, Jesus understands every weakness of ours....
(AMP) says,  He knows exactly how it feels to be human in every respect as we are, yet without committing any sin. 

So, Stop feeling like no one understands you, or knows what you're going through. 

Take your eyes off people and what you feel people don't understand about this season of your life.

Stop talking to them; answering your phone for them and look to Jesus, keep looking to Jesus and take it all, one day at a time.

It's one thing to be looking to somebody you have to constantly explain yourself to...But it's totally different, when you're  looking to somebody you know understands...He understands you.

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, October 10, 2021

10/10/21 "Burning Coals"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Burning Coals"

If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; if he is thirsty, give him water to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head, and the Lord will reward you. 
Proverbs 25:21‭-‬22 NIV 

Beloved, The kindness you are showing them in spite of how they've been to you is more than they can stand.

Mentally, your behavior is weighing on their mind like  burning coals being heaped on their head; burning with questions they don't understand. 

They don't understand how you can still be so nice...After they have been so wrong towards you.

They just don't understand you and their guilt makes them think you are guilty of something too...Guilty of something OTHER than trying to be like Christ and carry your cross in this season, even though it hurts.

You are literally being forced to carry something that's heavy, something that is hurtful to your flesh, the same way Simon was forced to carry Jesus' cross.
Matthew 27:32 NIV

Simon had done NOTHING to suggest he deserved to have or needed to have that type of pain  inflicted on him, but there he was in the situation. 

Still, You need to know that the Lord is going to reward you...

Every time you put your flesh in check and do what thus saith the Lord and NOT what people would have for you to do.

The Lord is going to reward you.

You are becoming STRONGER because of this.

Think about Jesus:
He was even STRONGER after "The Cross" because now he had walked this earth as a man and made it through, scars and all.

After which, He was able to go and witness to Thomas who was doubting. One day, This will ALL be a powerful testimony...You will be able to witness to others as well. 
John 20:26-28 NIV

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, October 2, 2021

10/3/21 "1st With God"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"1st With God"

SOMEBODY: All you ever wanted was to come 1st with your spouse. 

All you ever wanted was to come 1st, be chosen 1st by that high school coach who  seemed to always pick somebody else and  give them a chance to shine, but never you.

Growing up even, playing kid games, the kids always chose someone else to be on their team.

You were never picked 1st, never chosen 1st...You never came 1st.

You're so tired of being an after thought, if a thought at all in the minds of those who should know better and treat you better.

Beloved,  I know it hurts, but God wants you to know:
HE DID CHOOSE YOU 1ST....He has not forgotten you or overlooked you for someone else.

For the bible says:
Even BEFORE he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes. 
Ephesians 1:4 NLT 

You know what that tells me?

It tells me that God chose you 1st....Then he made the world. The world DID NOT come 1st. YOU came 1st, which means there is NOTHING in the world more important to God than YOU.

The message bible puts it like this: Long BEFORE he laid down earth’s foundations, he had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus of his love, to be made whole and holy by his love.
Ephesians 1:3‭-‬6 MSG 

He had us in mind...
which means he had YOU in mind..He chose you 1st.

As a matter of fact, Jeremiah 29:11 NKJ talks about the thoughts God thinks toward you...Thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Why? Because you matter to God more than this world, more than giving the earth its foundation.

You come 1st in the eyes of God.

Therefore, Be healed of the pain others caused, when they chose not to pick you, to not put you 1st.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy