Monday, April 19, 2021

" Speak To The Child "The Original Notes

     Tamar's Story
Scripture Reference: 2 Samuel13:1-20

Prolific FIRE Points For Your Life:

1.When there is a break down in communication the soul erupts.

2. It's hard to persuade a person to do the right thing who is set on doing wrong.

3.Evil always shows up when you are obeying The Father (doing as you were told).

4.Evil always has two things: An accomplice and a hidden agenda.

5.The good you did for them in the midst of them doing you wrong will not be ignored.

6.Real Love knows no shame, disgrace, lust, or hatred.

7.That door was shut in your face because the enemy is a coward and cannot handle responsibility.

8.You are not highway trash.

9.The part of you that hurts is the most valuable to God.

10.Their  actions broke your heart. Please don't let their actions break your spirit too.

11.If their desire was really for you...They would have come at you the right way. It was never about you.

12.Some people have no interest in making their wrongs right.

13.You are waiting for them to apologize, but that apology may never happen.

14.Speak To The Child in you that is still hurting....Say, I am sorry noone was there to protect you.

15.Maybe nobody ever took the time to tell you....Beloved, It was not your fault.

16.NOTHING you could have said or did would have changed the course of events. Self-blame is not the answer.

17.Being innocent to the schemes of the wicked does not make you naive.

18.You had every right to wear that. You did not provoke or entice them in any way.

19.What the devil meant to do...He did!

20.You trusted them and they failed you, not vice versa.

21.Your heart was in the right place, unfortunately their motives were not.

22.They will reap what they have sown. It's just a matter of time.

23.Don't stop saying, No. When it's something in life you don't want. Your opinion is valuable .

24.Don't let the pain silence your voice.

25.You are not what was done to you.

26.Beloved, Nobody can criticize YOUR JOURNEY, not even those that have walked in your shoes.

27.That thing was designed to kill, to steal, to destroy your healthy self-esteem. 2Sam13 John10:10

28.A healthy self-esteem is priceless.

29.Don't let what happened to you turn you against YOU.

30.You Must Fight To Regain Victory.

31. The bible says, When David's enemies were threatening to kill him, He found strength in His God. Find your strength now. 1Sam30:6 NIV

32. Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world. 1John4:4

33. Just because you fell prey to their issues. It doesn't give them the right to MAKE YOU dysfunctional.

34. Sometimes in order to bring closure to hurtful areas hidden in your soul, you must begin to affirm yourself. Speak To The Child.

35. Have that conversation in the mirror. Look and Speak To The Child (The Inner Child In You) Encourage Yourself. You will get through this.

36. You are stronger than you think.

37. You actually tried to bring something positive out of that negative situation. A weaker person wouldn't have tried.

38. Stop beating yourself up inside. You couldn't have known. There were no warning signs.

39. Stop treating your beauty as though it was a curse.

40. Break free from isolation. Isolation is not your friend. It's just what's available right now.

41. Healing is a process. It's okay to take one day at a time.

42. Sometimes life will give you a reason to fight. You have been introduced unwillingly to your fight.

43. Fight!...Don't give up. Don't quit. Don't faint. There is another season DUE. Galatians6:9

44. What they did did not cheapen your value. You are still here ON PURPOSE.

45. You will never forget. But in time, I pray you learn to forgive.

46. Forgiveness unties you from the situation. Forgiveness is a freedom for you not them.

47. Everyday seek to go on.

48. They that sinned against you are trapped in their own web of ignorance.

49. Had they really known, they wouldn't have done that.

50. You are still the apple of God's Eye. Psalms17:8

51. Absolutely nothing can separate you from the love of your God. Rom8:38-39

52. You have nothing to be ashamed of.

53. The situation overpowered you, but you will overcome it.

54. God says, Tell Somebody...They did not destroy your body. You can still function FULLY as a woman.

55. There is someone who really does want YOU.

56. You are not damaged goods.

57.Just as history recorded Tamar's story. God has recorded your story. He remembers and he will repay.

58.Society has no right to laugh at you, when everyday we are getting raped of our freedoms a little more.

59. No, you are not the person you were before it happened.

60. Now you have evidence that you are A Survivor!

61. Because it was an inside job, nobody really understands how much it has taken out of you.

62. Your tears have been your food day and night, and that's okay. Psalms42:3

63. Present your body to God. Romans 12:1

64. God does not mind touching the untouchible. Luke5:13

65. God will never look at you and turn away.

66. God still believes in you.

67. Don't allow what happened to change what you believe to be true.

68.You can hold your head up, even amongst this dark cloud.

69.God is looking at your heart. He KNOWS you are worthy of love and attention.

70. Healing comes when you choose to confront what has confronted you.

71. God has not given you a spirit of fear. 1Timothy1:7

72. You need not be afraid.

73. Don't allow what happened to  torment your mind any longer. Replaying the incident won't help.

74. Slowly but surely you can start over.

75. Re-enter life.

7 is the number of completion.
5 the number of grace and favor.
Don't be afraid. In this season, God has graced you, favored you.
Open the door to your new start.
Re-enter life, it's okay.

If YOU Or Someone You Know Has Been A Victim...Contact:

RAINN- Rape, Abuse, Incest, National, Network.
The National Sexual Assault Hotline#
1-800-656-HOPE (4673)

Email me:
Twitter: @ProlificFire

Prolific Fire- Seeking 2 Help You Where You Hurt!

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