Sunday, April 11, 2021

4/11/21 "Intercessor"


5 Minutes of Focus 


One of the servants said to Abigail (wife of Nabal): Now think it over and see what you can do, because disaster is hanging over our master and his whole household. He is such a wicked man that no one can talk to him.”
1 Samuel 25:17 NIV

BELOVED, Are you married to someone who it seems no one can talk to, not even YOU?

Perhaps, you have a family  member or you work alongside someone who is just wicked and impossible to talk to?

AND instead of doing what's right, they're always doing something wrong that will cause trouble; and you find yourself  intervening, trying to stop what they've set in motion.

 In Abigail's case, Nabal (her husband) was just that one. 
So, In order to save her household, as well as all of their lives...

Abigail had some thinking to do and when she had made up her mind about what to do. She took action, but the bible says: She didn't tell her husband.
1 Samuel 25:19 NIV

That's the life of a true intercessor whether you're the spouse, a relative or otherwise. You keep quiet about a lot, because you know it's going to take more than talk to move the hand of God this time.

Remember, The bible says: Faith without works is dead which means YOU have your work cut out for you as an Intercessor. 
James 2:26 

Abigail went to David with a peace offering, interceding on behalf of her FOOLISH husband who had wronged David & his men and David accepted her offering. Read 1 Samuel 25.

And so, I just felt led to tell some intercessor today, just like David accepted Abigail's offering and said to her, “Go home in peace. I have heard your words and granted your request.”
1 Samuel 25:35 NIV

God has accepted every offering, every seed you have sown and the peace you desire to see in your home, in your marriage, in your family, or your job has been granted.

Wait for the manifestation of what you can't see yet, because it has been granted to you. Stand in faith & believe. Intercessor, keep praying...Better days are ahead of you.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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