Sunday, March 7, 2021

3/7/21"Fearfully & Wonderfully Made"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Fearfully & Wonderfully Made "

Elisha left and headed toward Bethel. Along the way some boys started making fun of him by shouting, “Go away, baldy! Get out of here!”
2 Kings 2:23 CEV 

They made fun of  Elisha, because he looked different...
He was bald, while each of them, probably had a head full of hair.

And as much, as I would like to, I can't even blame them for their behavior...Instead, I blame the "unknown" parents of these boys, as well as parents EVERYWHERE who fail to teach their children to appreciate the difference they see in others, appreciate the difference, NOT make fun of the difference.

I mean, What if the baldness was hereditary?
And what if Elisha had been struggling within Himself to accept the very thing, they were now making fun of Him about?

You just never know how a person is feeling about themselves on the INSIDE and to be made fun of, on top of what they may ALREADY be feeling is extremely cruel.

It's cruel because most of what makes a person different is things they have no control over like: Speech disorders, learning disabilities, birthdefects, being short, being talk, being bald etc.

Think About this: 
If God made us ALL fearfully & wonderfully (and I know)...He did. Psalms 139:14 NIV

Where is the mutual respect, we should have for each other as Creations Of The Same Creator?

It ALL begins with training up a child in the way that he should go...
Proverbs 22:6 KJV

Train them up, don't let them just grow up.

If those boys would've had the proper home-training, they would have known better than to make fun of Elisha or anybody else for that matter. 

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS ~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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