Sunday, March 14, 2021

3/14/21 "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?"


5 Minutes Of Focus

“O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”
Matt14:31 NKJV

Don't despise the crisis you find yourself in...

Sometimes it takes a crisis to determine who really believes you in, who really has faith in you.

Here in Mark 5:38-40 (NIV)...They laughed at Jesus when (in the midst of what they thought was a crisis) He said, "The child is not dead, but asleep." They laughed because they didn't believe in Him, they didn't have faith in Him to be able to made good on what He said.

And Beloved, Some of the very ones right now in your inner circle....They don't believe in you, they don't have faith in you. Secretly, They think you can't make good on what you're always talking about you're going to do.

They think you are just a "Dreamer" like Joseph's brothers thought of him and are trying to do EVERYRHING in their own power to sabotage your progress.
Genesis 37:19-28 NIV

Jesus understood the games people play...How they can seem to be on board with you UNTIL you say or do something they don't understand and then it becomes a laughing matter.

So, He put them out, and ONLY kept with Him those He knew had the faith to see a miracle happen.

Beloved, Let Jesus be your example of how to make it happen:

1). Remove those who are faithless, those who laugh (who don't take you seriously).

2). ONLY bring with you, bring & keep close to you people whose faith matches (or exceeds) your own.

It's not too late to make it happen. The child was not dead, and neither are your dreams.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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