Sunday, March 28, 2021

3/28/21 "It's Complicated "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"It's Complicated "

Then one of the Twelve—the one called Judas Iscariot—went to the chief priests and asked, “What are you willing to give me if I deliver him over to you?” So they counted out for him thirty pieces of silver.
Matt 26:14‭-‬15 NIV

The more I think about the relationship Judas must have had with Jesus...The more I'm convinced, that it is possible to be walking closely with Jesus and STILL need to be delivered. 

It's not that Judas didn't love Jesus, because I believe he did. He loved him as much as he could, as best he could, given the circumstances he was up against.

Judas was a struggling addict up against an addiction. You see, His love for money was no different than a crack head in need of his next hit, or an alcoholic in need of their next drink.

The bible says: The love of money causes all kinds of evil. Some have turned away from what we believe because they want to get more & more money; causing themselves a lot of pain & sorrow.
1 Tim 6:10 ERV

He caused himself a lot of pain & sorrow. (See Matt 27) STILL, He did what he did to feed the addiction.
It's Complicated!

But can we really say, those who have some type of addiction, those who have something  they're struggling with...
Can we really say they don't love us?

Because it could just be, that the love is still there, but it has been overpowered by an addiction they can't control.
They need to be delivered.

Judas needed to be delivered, but because his betraying Jesus for money was actually in line with the fulfillment of scripture, and foretold by Jesus Himself....Deliverance just wasn't to be for Judas.

So, Does that mean we should give up on our loved ones who are addicted to something, struggling with something?
Certainly NOT!

Psalms 3:8 NIV says:
From the Lord comes deliverance. 

Therefore, Our job is to keep seeking the Lord on their behalf. Never doubt their love for us and keep seeking, praying & fasting because there are some things that won't break (release it's grip) and come out any other way.  Mark 9:17-29 NKJ

I hope that encouraged somebody.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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