Sunday, March 28, 2021

3/28/21 "It's Complicated "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"It's Complicated "

Then one of the Twelve—the one called Judas Iscariot—went to the chief priests and asked, “What are you willing to give me if I deliver him over to you?” So they counted out for him thirty pieces of silver.
Matt 26:14‭-‬15 NIV

The more I think about the relationship Judas must have had with Jesus...The more I'm convinced, that it is possible to be walking closely with Jesus and STILL need to be delivered. 

It's not that Judas didn't love Jesus, because I believe he did. He loved him as much as he could, as best he could, given the circumstances he was up against.

Judas was a struggling addict up against an addiction. You see, His love for money was no different than a crack head in need of his next hit, or an alcoholic in need of their next drink.

The bible says: The love of money causes all kinds of evil. Some have turned away from what we believe because they want to get more & more money; causing themselves a lot of pain & sorrow.
1 Tim 6:10 ERV

He caused himself a lot of pain & sorrow. (See Matt 27) STILL, He did what he did to feed the addiction.
It's Complicated!

But can we really say, those who have some type of addiction, those who have something  they're struggling with...
Can we really say they don't love us?

Because it could just be, that the love is still there, but it has been overpowered by an addiction they can't control.
They need to be delivered.

Judas needed to be delivered, but because his betraying Jesus for money was actually in line with the fulfillment of scripture, and foretold by Jesus Himself....Deliverance just wasn't to be for Judas.

So, Does that mean we should give up on our loved ones who are addicted to something, struggling with something?
Certainly NOT!

Psalms 3:8 NIV says:
From the Lord comes deliverance. 

Therefore, Our job is to keep seeking the Lord on their behalf. Never doubt their love for us and keep seeking, praying & fasting because there are some things that won't break (release it's grip) and come out any other way.  Mark 9:17-29 NKJ

I hope that encouraged somebody.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, March 21, 2021

3/21/21 "Trust Your Gut"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Trust Your Gut"

While he (Jesus) was still speaking, Judas, one of the Twelve, arrived. With him was a large crowd armed with swords and clubs, sent from the chief priests and the elders of the people. Now the betrayer had arranged a signal with them: “The one I kiss is the man; arrest him.” Going at once to Jesus, Judas said, “Greetings, Rabbi!” and kissed him. 
Matt 26:47‭-‬49 NIV 

🗣Hear Me...Outward affection means NOTHING, if the actions that follow are harmful.

Don't be blinded by the affection, by the attention they're giving you right now.

As you can see from the text, Judas kissed Jesus on the cheek (publicly) and it had NOTHING to do with affection, but  the kiss was actually a signal of his betrayal.

Therefore, I'm telling you to trust your gut...Trust your God-given instincts and you will know when something is off, something is just not right.

Just like Jesus knew Judas was THE ONE that was going to betray Him...You will know. The signs will be there for you to know So, Pay Attention. 

The bible says that:
After Jesus had said these things (He had just finished talking about being betrayed etc). 
John 13:1-20 AMPC

(THEN) That's  when He was troubled (disturbed, agitated) in spirit and said, I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, one of you will deliver Me up [one of you will be false to Me and betray Me]!
John 13:21 AMPC 

The signs were there for Jesus to re-affirm what He already knew....That Judas would be THE ONE to betray Him.

And many of you, the signs are there. You are feeling:

• Troubled

• Disturbed

• Agitated in spirit like something is about to go down.

Beloved, Stop ignoring what you know...

• Trust your gut.

• Trust your God-given instincts .

• And pray that WHATEVER needs to be exposed, brought to the light for what it is; will be.

In Jesus name. 

SOMEBODY: Say "Amen."

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS ~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, March 14, 2021

3/14/21 "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?"


5 Minutes Of Focus

“O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”
Matt14:31 NKJV

Don't despise the crisis you find yourself in...

Sometimes it takes a crisis to determine who really believes you in, who really has faith in you.

Here in Mark 5:38-40 (NIV)...They laughed at Jesus when (in the midst of what they thought was a crisis) He said, "The child is not dead, but asleep." They laughed because they didn't believe in Him, they didn't have faith in Him to be able to made good on what He said.

And Beloved, Some of the very ones right now in your inner circle....They don't believe in you, they don't have faith in you. Secretly, They think you can't make good on what you're always talking about you're going to do.

They think you are just a "Dreamer" like Joseph's brothers thought of him and are trying to do EVERYRHING in their own power to sabotage your progress.
Genesis 37:19-28 NIV

Jesus understood the games people play...How they can seem to be on board with you UNTIL you say or do something they don't understand and then it becomes a laughing matter.

So, He put them out, and ONLY kept with Him those He knew had the faith to see a miracle happen.

Beloved, Let Jesus be your example of how to make it happen:

1). Remove those who are faithless, those who laugh (who don't take you seriously).

2). ONLY bring with you, bring & keep close to you people whose faith matches (or exceeds) your own.

It's not too late to make it happen. The child was not dead, and neither are your dreams.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, March 7, 2021

3/7/21"Fearfully & Wonderfully Made"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Fearfully & Wonderfully Made "

Elisha left and headed toward Bethel. Along the way some boys started making fun of him by shouting, “Go away, baldy! Get out of here!”
2 Kings 2:23 CEV 

They made fun of  Elisha, because he looked different...
He was bald, while each of them, probably had a head full of hair.

And as much, as I would like to, I can't even blame them for their behavior...Instead, I blame the "unknown" parents of these boys, as well as parents EVERYWHERE who fail to teach their children to appreciate the difference they see in others, appreciate the difference, NOT make fun of the difference.

I mean, What if the baldness was hereditary?
And what if Elisha had been struggling within Himself to accept the very thing, they were now making fun of Him about?

You just never know how a person is feeling about themselves on the INSIDE and to be made fun of, on top of what they may ALREADY be feeling is extremely cruel.

It's cruel because most of what makes a person different is things they have no control over like: Speech disorders, learning disabilities, birthdefects, being short, being talk, being bald etc.

Think About this: 
If God made us ALL fearfully & wonderfully (and I know)...He did. Psalms 139:14 NIV

Where is the mutual respect, we should have for each other as Creations Of The Same Creator?

It ALL begins with training up a child in the way that he should go...
Proverbs 22:6 KJV

Train them up, don't let them just grow up.

If those boys would've had the proper home-training, they would have known better than to make fun of Elisha or anybody else for that matter. 

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS ~Love, Prophetess Stacy