Saturday, January 30, 2021

1/31/21 "Repent & Renounce "


5 Minutes Of Focus 

"Repent & Renounce"

Lot went outside and shut the door behind him. Then he said, “Friends, please don't do such a terrible thing! I have two daughters who have never had sex. I'll bring them out, and you can do what you want with them. But don't harm these men. They are guests in my home.”
Genesis 19:6‭-‬8 CEV 

To be honest, this text angers me on SO MANY levels. It's hard to know where to begin, but I really feel led of the LORD to focus solely on Lot as a father and NOT the sexual SIN present in the text.

I mean, What father would actually be okay with giving his daughters in exchange for no harm coming to their house-guests?

Seems like Lot was just interested in getting control of the terrible situation that had erupted  in his home. He definitely wasn't thinking like a Father in that moment to suggest what he suggested. 

Like some of you, especially those who are attempting to co-parent with someone other than your spouse....

Lot was trying to use his daughters to get what he wanted. Sound familiar?

You and your ex, going back & forth; with the kids UNFAIRLY stuck in the middle.

He didn't stop to think about how his words/actions could emotionally damage his daughters; emotionally scar them against him for life (had it played out the way he suggested), because he didn't step up and protect them when he should have. He was more concerned about the well- being of his house-guests.

Now, Think: How many times have you as a parent, NOT been the best you should have been for them, in a moment of chaos?

Instead, You used them for your own purposes, you UNFAIRLY put them in the middle of something going on between you & your ex, or a family member etc. How many times?

SOMEBODY: You need to repent to your children (No matter their age). Repent to them. Ask them & God to forgive you. YOU NEED TO RENOUNCE (take back the power of) ANY  WORDS OR THINGS you may have put into motion UNKNOWINGLY against them and Vow to be more aware of them & their feelings in the future.

• Repent- Matt 4:17 AMP 

• Renounce- 2 Corin 4:2 NIV

• Abuse/Resentment- Ephes 6:4 AMP

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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