Sunday, January 24, 2021

1/24/21 "Drunk With Pain "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Drunk With Pain"

Do you know what it feels like to have so much coming at you from all sides to the point that you're just drunk with pain?

Hannah had Peninnah picking at her, harassing her at home; and when she did get a trip in, their annual trip as a family, Peninnah was still right there.

Hannah had no place to go and safely unload her emotions, NOT even the House of the Lord.
Can you relate?

Even there, the priest would look and accuse her of being something she wasn't. HE HAD NO SPIRITUAL DISCERNMENT or he would have known she was:
 •A woman hurting
• Heavily burden; mentally exhausted 
• Praying to her Heavenly Father
1 Samuel 1:1-14 CEV

So, Where can you go when you're drunk not with wine, but with pain to safely unload and not be harassed, made fun of,   or misunderstood?

You go to God the Father in the name of Jesus...It's so important you pray "In the name of Jesus" because Jesus is the one who was hated and rejected. The bible says, His life was filled with sorrow and terrible suffering. (NKJ)  He was a Man of sorrows, acquainted with grief.
Isaiah 53:3 CEV 

In other words, He knows how you're feeling, not just because you're saved and one of His Father's children...But Jesus Himself experienced 1st hand EVERYTHING you're feeling, but WITHOUT SIN meaning he didn't go cuss somebody out when things got to be too much etc. 
Heb 4:15 KJV

Instead, He 1st pulled away from the disciples (by making them go ahead of Him) and He then dismissed the crowd and went up on mountside to pray.

Beloved, You're going to have to dismiss some people ALL TOGETHER and pull away from some others for a season...So, that you can get your mind right, get your mind ready for what lies ahead.
Matt 14:22-25 NIV

Tell them, it's nothing personal...
But sometimes you can't ALWAYS BE THERE for them and still be there for yourself, and your own mental health needs. 

If Jesus needed a break BEFORE heading out on the water...Then, so do you and that's a fact!


Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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