Sunday, June 28, 2020

6/28/20 "Your Mouth"


5 Minutes Of Focus 

"Your Mouth"

Your mouth attracts attention. Every time you open your mouth, you're either attracting the attention of something good or something bad towards you...There is no in between.
That's why the bible says: 
Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.
Proverbs 18:21 NKJV

What you say matters that much. So, I suggest you stop being so concerned with WHO you're attracting with your looks and be more concerned with WHAT you're attracting with your words.  The words of your mouth are powerful. 

Just ask Job for example: He lived in constant fear that his children just might be messing up on God, and as a result of sin, he would lose them spiritually. So, he offered a burnt offering on their behalf.  The bible says this was his daily custom....He thought it (NIV) and SAID IT (AMPC) And he did end up losing them all physically; burnt offering or not...And all he could say was: That which I FEARED has come upon me.
Job 1:5 Job 1:13-22 Job 3:25

Beloved, Watch what you think, as well as watch what you say...Because you  don't want that which you feared to come upon you.

On the other hand, it works for the good too. An example of that  would be...The woman with the issue of blood...She thought (NIV) If I just touch...(AMPC) For she kept SAYING, If I only touch His garments, I shall be restored to health. And immediately her flow of blood was dried up at the source, and [suddenly] she felt in her body that she was healed of her [distressing] ailment.
Mark 5:28‭-‬29 AMPC

So, from those two examples...It's  proven that what you think is servely linked to what you say. Therefore, think (good thoughts, WORD affirming, healing thoughts) before you speak and that way, fear will automatically be eliminated, yielded unfruitful. You won't have to concern yourself with...What did I just say? WHAT did I just attract to myself through my words, through my mouth??? Because your words will line up with your thoughts. 

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, June 21, 2020

6/21/20 "Embracing The Restart "


5 Minutes Of Focus 

"Embracing The Restart"

You might be in a place that's less than desirable right now, but that doesn't make YOU less than desirable.

God still has need of you and will cause you to connect with the right people to pull you through this difficult time.

You see, God who is always thinking like a Father on behalf of his children will sometimes make you live with the consequences of your actions...Not to hurt you, but to TEACH you, to CONNECT you, to RESTART you.

In Philemon 1:8-19 NIV
Onesimus found himself in prison (of all places)...Because restarting is not always a pretty process for the one trying to do better, but Onesimus was right where he needed to be. He needed to be in prison to connect to the  Apostle Paul who would teach him the true meaning of servanthood, who would show him what it's like to be a SON and to have a FATHER covering him. The Apostle Paul became Onesimus's spiritual father and was willing to pay any debt Onesimus owed.

SOMEBODY: You're right where you need to be. Pay attention to every little thing, let the people, let the atmosphere (even) teach you. God has you in that place... So listen, take notes. God has you in that place right now to teach you, to connect you to your own Apostle Paul (male or female), someone who will speak up for you, cover you, pave your way for a new start; even if it means literally paying what you owe, so that you can restart.

🔈SHOUT OUT to All The Fathers sacrificing to give your children a restart, or a better start than what you had. God is in you and with you.

Happy Father's Day!!! 💙

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, June 13, 2020

6/14/20 "I Am Overwhelmed"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"I Am Overwhelmed"

Beloved, Stop overwhelming yourself, putting unnecessary pressure on yourself to perform well..

In the bible we see that...When Peter was feeling overwhelmed by his current situation, overwhelmed by the pressure he put on HIMSELF to perform well...All he could say to Jesus was "Lord, Save Me." 
Matthew 14:25-30 NKJ

Save Me because I don't know what I'm doing after all and I'm about to drown. Peter was overwhelmed, he was in over his head. Keep In Mind: Never once, did Jesus ask Peter to come out on the water....Coming out on the water was solely Peter's idea which implies that often times, we take on a lot more than what we can handle, trying to impress onlookers, trying to impress God even, when really there is no need for either.

But still, here Peter was; out on the water, challenging himself, putting pressure on himself to perform well and make history, by being the 2nd man to ever walk on water.

Peter wanted to be like Jesus and leave his mark on the world, he wanted to be remembered for something other than those times when he failed, messed up or talked too much. 

But isn't that what we all want?...To make up for all those times when we weren't our best, by being our best now. There's nothing wrong with that. The Apostle Paul talks how when he was a child (in his immaturity), how he spoke and responded in a child-like manner to things, but now it's time to put all that away.
1 Corin 13:11 (ERV) and that's good too.

All I'm saying is balance yourself, know yourself well enough to recognize when something is too much and stop volunteering for stuff that God never asked you to do. He is not impressed and you're overwhelmed. 

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, June 6, 2020

6/7/20 "Broken To Be Restored "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Broken To Be Restored"

Something happened to Mephibosheth at an early age that broke him, left him broken.

NOTICE: I said, Broken and NOT damaged...
Because when something is damaged, it either needs fixing, or it's damaged beyond its ability to be repaired. Neither was the case for Mephibosheth and neither, Beloved, is the case for you.

Just like David came to bless Mephibosheth in his broken state...Something can still come through for you in your brokeness that will change your WHOLE life, for the better.
2 Samuel 4:4,   2 Samuel 9:1-8 NLT

I know, you're waiting to heal from some issues 1st...But what if you were broken ONLY  to be restored?

You see, a glass that is broken has a lot more room than one that has never be broken, hurt, affected by the human touch....Because a glass that's broken is now opened because of the pain it's been through.

SOMEBODY: You're opened to receive God's best because you're not perfect, but you are a broken vessel that has been left opened to receive.

Mephibosheth was left broken and in a position to receive, be restored even after so many years had passed and he had experienced the death of two key people in his life.... GOD STILL HADN'T FORGOT about him.

And don't you dare think, God has forgotten about you...He hasn't. 

As a matter of fact, while you're looking for ways to make things better YOURSELF for yourself...God is looking for the opening he needs to work through your brokenness. Trust him with your broken pieces and see what he does.

When David came to bless Mephibosheth, he was so broken...All he could offer David was the humbleness of his heart by saying, " I am your servant."

When God was preparing Jesus for THE CROSS  (to be a blessing to us) Jesus was so broken...All he had to offer him was His Will. Father, Not My Will, but yours be done. Luke 22:42 NIV

Simply put: In your brokenness SUBMIT, humble your heart, trust him for your restoration. It will be far greater than what you could repay yourself.
Joel 2:25 NIV

Until Next Sunday.
LPS ~Love, Prophetess Stacy