Tuesday, April 30, 2019

4/30/19 "Dealing Successfully With Mockery"


• This Month's MENTORSHIP CORNER Topic:
"Dealing Successfully With Mockery"

I must admit I was highly offended when I first saw this photo of slayed rapper, Nipsey Hussle portrayed with a crown of thorns around his head...

I am sensitive when it comes to Jesus, my Lord and Savior. So, to see a photo of Nipsey in his image, didn't set well with me at all.

UNTIL I got a revelation...There's a saying that reminds us all that: 
"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery."
Form of flattery is a proverb which means that one imitates someone else because one admires that person or values what that person is doing.
So, It's a flattery though often unintended.

So, rather than get offended like I did...The next time someone mocks Jesus, the next time someone mocks you..DISARM THE ENEMY by treating his attempt at mockery as though, it was pure flattery; even though you know it was unintended. 

Getting offended, getting angry is only wasted energy when you know that the WORD clearly says: God is not mocked. He  cannot be mocked, which means you as his child, his offspring cannot be mocked. Eventually, the person (your enemies, your haters) will reap what they have sown, nothing more, nothing less.

And that...BELOVED is how you successfully deal with mockery.

Meditation Points:

1 Stand on the truth of the WORD.

2 Disarm the power of the enemy by receiving mockery (imitation) as flattery.

3 Turn the tables on the enemy by not getting offended.

4 Remind yourself: God cannot be mocked. He won't allow it (and if he does allow it for a season, he has good reason for doing so).

5 Overall, God is not mocked.  He cannot be mocked and neither can you or I as his child.

6 Meditate on this: Do not be deceived, God is not mocked (He will not allow Himself to be ridiculed, nor treated with contempt nor allow His precepts to be scornfully set aside);
for whatever a man sows, this and only this is what he will reap. 
Gal 6:7 AMP

Father God,
Help us to get passed this photo and hold on to the revelation on mockery found in the truth of your WORD...Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, after all.
Plus, we know what the end of it will be.
In Jesus name. 

I hope that helped SOMEBODY who is saved and sensitive about JESUS (like me).
Beloved, We got this. Let them draw, paint, say, write whatever.

Until Next Month. 
Here when you need me.
Hosea 12:13 NIV

CALL OR TEXT: 865-408-8690

LPS~ Love, 
Prophetess Stacy 

Saturday, April 27, 2019

4/28/19 "Fearless Woman"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Fearless Woman"

After Jesus got up from the grave...Mary Magdalene and the other Mary were the 1st on the scene. They came to check out the tomb, looking for Jesus.

Now, what I find very interesting is NOT how an angel of the Lord came down from heaven, and rolled the stone away....That's kinda what I expected.

But rather, how the angel of the Lord just left those who had been guarding the tomb visibly shaken, afraid and never said a word to them, but just let them shake in fear.

But the minute, the women (Mary Magdalene and the other Mary) showed up, the angel said: Do not be afraid, for I know you are looking for Jesus...

Matt 28:1-7 NIV

Why not comfort the guards by saying: Do not be afraid?

Why only comfort the women by telling them:  Do not be afraid?

Women, I decree and declare that God does not want us to be fearful....He wants us to be fearless women, first on the scene to support the things and people we believe in. 

God wants us to be unafraid to check out things, to examine  the things we don't understand. 

He want us to be unafraid of going where we need to go, doing what we need to do without a male being present all the time.

Women, God wants us to take the lead and carry the good news of the gospel and not be afraid to tell it to men, husband-men, boyfriends, our brothers, our sons


Oh yes, God made you to be fearless... Hence, the mandate given to Mary Magdalene and other Mary to:  "Go quickly tell his (male) disciples...He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee."

Matt 28:7 NIV

"Go quickly"...Therefore, as a fearless woman, as the fearless women he has called...We don't have time to waste being afraid, living in fear of the unknown.

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid...

We have too much to do, fear can't be apart of it.

2 Timothy 1:7   NIV & NKJ 

Until Next Sunday.

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

4/24/19 "Are You Ready To Train The Pain?"

"Are You Ready To Train The Pain?"

Let's face it...The truth is, we all have pain. Pain from a bad break up, pain from a divorce, job lost pain, the pain of losing a loved one, physical ache and pains, an illness, the pain of being abused, misunderstood, bullied etc...You name it. The list is endless.

And even though, the bible says, Weeping may endure for a night, but joy will come in the morning...Psalm 30:5

Sometimes the weeping, the crying, the pain seems endless and looking for a morning where you're pain- free seems more like a foolish fantasy.

Still, you go on believing, seeking, trying and no breakthrough. Every moment is still feeling so raw and unreal, it just hurts.

So, Did the bible lie? Perhaps, there is no morning, no joy to be looking forward to and the pain is what it is.

Certainly not, the bible is the Word of God and God is not a man that he should lie or change his mind or anything like that; that the ordinary man would be used to doing. 

See Numbers 23:19-20

Beloved, We get confused, we get discouraged sometimes when we unintentionally put God in a box with the rest of our stuff. We don't realize that God is not obligated to do things our way, but he is obligated to keeping his Word. How he keeps his Word is up to him though.

Isaiah 55:9

So, the pain still exists and you've lived (if you can call it that) and seen many mornings and still nothing. You still feeling like you feel. 

What if I told you, God is bringing your morning, your breakthrough and keeping his Word in the form of "Train The Pain? " That's  right, It is possible to train the pain you're still feeling and make it work for you.

This is the revelation God gave me along with key strategies that will work for anybody. Strategies I have lived out in my own personal life, because just like you, I have some pain that's unhealed, pain that just refuses to heal.

That's where "Train The Pain" comes in. It's a teaching session, filled with biblical strategies that will not heal you, but will change the way you look at your pain, change your perspective by training your pain to actually work for you.

Remember This: It doesn't feel good, but it can be good and work together for the good. Romans 8:28

Therefore, I encourage you to register for a "Train The Pain" session. Let me share with you what God has taught me, the hard way.

Registration Info:

1. Go to: paypal.me/prophetessstacy
Or Cash app:
$ProlificFire and sow your seed of $35.

2.  Email your first name and a brief description of the pain you need to train  to: prolificfire@gmail.com

3. THEN I will email you back all the info you need to join the private sessions: WED. (May 1st) or SAT. (May 4th) at 8 pm EST  7 pm CST 5 pm PST

Hoping to connect with you.


 Prophetess Stacy 

Saturday, April 20, 2019

4/21/19 "There's Just No Way"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"There's Just No Way"

There's just no way I would be who I am today without Jesus. Had he flaked on his promise to rise after 3 days. 

Just like you, I've had many to promise me something, but not follow through, changing the way I viewed the friendship, the relationship. 

BUT JESUS!!! He went down in the grave, and was enough of a "gentleman" to leave His Word behind as a comfort to me, as a comfort to you.

With just 6 words, "After Three Days I Will Rise."...He confused believers and sparked fear into his haters. They  didn't know what to make of such a bold statement. 

Matt 27:62-66 NKJ

The chief priests and the Pharisees  started beefing up security surrounding the tomb, but nothing could stop Him from keeping his promise.

After three 3 days he rose just as he said.

Matt 28:6 NIV...His commitment to his Word has restored my faith in men who don't lie, has restored my faith in friends who will come through. Jesus being a friend that sticks closer than a brother. 

Proverbs 18:24 NIV

Therefore, It's  because of Jesus that I'm not a broken, bitter and resentful woman, but I'm WHOLE because he rose, because he was integral enough to keep his Word. Death couldn't hold him and lies can't hinder me (or you, if you choose).

I am who I am because of The Resurrection; I am who I am because of Jesus. He rose. "He has risen"....That statement along should speak all kinds of personal truth to your spirit.

There's Just No Way without Jesus...No way.


Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Friday, April 19, 2019

4/19/19 "Jesus"



He was looked down on and passed over, a man who suffered, who knew pain firsthand. One look at him and people turned away. We looked down on him, thought he was scum. But the fact is, it was our pains he carried, our disfigurement, all the things wrong with us. It was our sins that did that to him, that ripped and tore and crushed him ---- our sins!

Isaiah 53:2-6 MSG

It was Jesus that endured all of this, for us. He took the punishment, he took the penalty upon himself, so that we wouldn't have to.

BELOVED, You don't have to suffer for anybody. You don't have to play God for anybody and take what was meant for them.

Jesus took all the punishment that was needed...So, You can be free, he wants you to be free. Stop listening to anybody telling you the opposite. Your life is yours to control, not theirs to mishandle.

You are blood bought, which means you are expensive from head to toe and all parts in between. Therefore, stop abusing yourself by the things you accept. Again, you are not God for them or anybody else. Jesus, he did it all.

Jesus, the lamb that was slayed. Jesus, our precious cornerstone that the builders rejected, that his own folks rejected, that we rejected. Jesus, but he loved us in spite of.


Thank you Jesus.

It's Good Friday!

Be Thankful.

Be Reminded of the cost...You are not free, you carry a price tag, but you are free in terms of freedom, walk it, embrace it, it's yours. Jesus.

LPS~Love, Prophetess  Stacy 

Saturday, April 13, 2019

4/14/19 "Until It Manifests"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Until It Manifests..."

When God 1st started out on this earth, he had nothing but a blank canvas. Still, he stepped out in faith and spoke what he wanted to see...He said, "Let there be light and there was. Then he said, "Let there be a vault to separate the waters which he called sky..." 

He didn't get discouraged because the earth in it's beginning stages would take 6 days to finish, but a lifetime to fully populate and keep populating throughout generations to come.

No, God didn't let himself consume or get consumed with the  emptiness of the earth, as it was when he first saw it.

So unlike some of you who have taken on the emptiness of your surroundings, you are servely affected by what you see which means your faith is affected.

Though, the earth is populated now...Many of you still feel like the earth did before population. You feel EMPTY. 

You're not growing or going forward, but you're stuck in the affects of your surroundings, you're stuck feeling empty in the midst of your feelings.

But I decree and declare over your life THIS DAY: That like God, you will begin to see what's not there. That the innocent, child-like faith you had growing up will return to you. That like a child, the cares of this world will no longer weigh you down, but you will once again believe anything is possible. You will once again see life with all its endless possibilities ahead  of you and get excited.

 May your youth be renewed like the eagles. Psalm 103:5 And let it be not just in strength, but in your imagination. I speak youth to your imagination...Because anything is possible to those who believe. Mark 9:23. All that's required is faith, imagination and the willingness to say what you don't see, until it manifests. Let it be!!!

No more EMPTINESS, IN YOU in spite of what's around you.

In Jesus name.

Amen (So Be It!)

● Read Genesis Chapters 1 & 2 NIV

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Saturday, April 6, 2019

4/7/19 "I Just Need To Be Me"


● Picture & Title Inspired By: Mallary Hope 

5 Minutes of Focus 

"I Just Need To Be Me"

Saul put his armor on David.... 

But David couldn't stay suited up like that. He just didn't feel like himself in all that armor, he wasn't used to it.

1 Samuel 17:38-39 NKJ

BELOVED, Tell Me: How can you be expected to face something as big as Goliath, when don't even feel like yourself?

Every second you spend not being yourself, you're giving the devil the advantage over you. 

God made you who you are, the way you are, located where you are for a reason. The space you're in, the environment you're in, even the time zone you're in would all greatly benefit from you choosing to be YOU.

You just need to be you and that would solve a lot of your problems. That situation you're trying to face is all confused, because you're confused.

You're not thinking like you,

acting like you and therefore, you're not responding like you. 

Declare it into the atmosphere: "I Just Need To Be Me"

Break the hold the devil has over your mind by coming to the realization that "I Just Need To Be Me."  There's no greater person you could ever be other than the best you.

Thankfully, David realized that before it was too late. He pulled off Saul's armor and headed down to the brook to think out his own fight strategy.

SOMEBODY:If water calms you...When was the last time, you went down to the brook, down to the lake to fish? When was the last time, you went for a ride just long enough somewhere to clear your mind?

When was the last time, you had a fight strategy, a plan, that was really yours and no one else's?

When David went down to the brook and picked up  5 smooth stones..He was declaring, "I Just Need To Be Me. I'm a winner every time I choose to be me."

With God and that kind of mind set, it comes as no surprise that David defeated Goliath in spite of his size.

You can defeat some things in your life too by just being YOU.

God is with YOU.

Read all about it 1 Samuel Chapter 17 and be encouraged. 

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy 
