Sunday, December 9, 2018

12/9/18 "For The Dreamers"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"For The Dreamers"

Stop waiting for calgon to relax you or for some other magical formula you've concocted to relax you and take your mind off of things. 

What if I told you, your dreams were designed to  take your mind off of things, your dreams were designed to take you away from what's bothering you?

What if I told you, it was Joseph's dreams that took his mind off of being hated and it was his dreams that took him away from all the chaos that was brewing at home?

In Genesis 37 (NKJ): Joseph's brothers hated him because of their father, Israel. Israel favored Joseph over them and loved him more than them and they knew it.  So they hated Joseph. That's also, when the dreams seemed to start. Joseph had dream after dream until it landed him in the pit, and eventually in Egypt  as Governor. See Genesis 41

I just feel led to tell SOMEBODY this Sunday: I know you have been through a lot, you've been through some pits, but keep dreaming. Even though, they're calling you names and making fun of your dreams right now. Joseph went through all of that too. Keep dreaming.

Keep dreaming because the same thing that's funny to them and makes no sense to them right now is the same thing that will change YOU, your environment and your family life for the better and FOREVER.

Things won't always be the way they are now. God has promised you a future and he's not about to abandon you now. You can LIVE through this process, as long as you keep dreaming.  Jere 29:11, Ezekiel 16:6 

Your dreams are about to shift you and uplift you (not calgon) But God, he is the lifter of your head. Using his dreams which acted as seeds, God lifted Joseph up out of hatred and serve famine (that was to come).He's about to do the same for you. He's about to lift you up out of whatever you're going through. Manifestation is coming. Harvest time is coming. Don't faint! Keep dreaming.

SOMEBODY: Go ahead and water the seeds of your imagination!

Gal 6:9 Psalm 3:3

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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