Sunday, December 30, 2018

12/30/18 "Stop Being Offended By Everything"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Stop Being Offended By Everything" 

A woman came in need of help, her daughter was vexed with a devil. Jesus answered, "I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. It is not meet to take the children's bread, and cast it to dogs." 

She replied, "Yet the dogs eat of the crumbs..."

Matt 15: 22-28 KJV

Beloved, You deserve more than the crumbs off of somebody else's table, you are not a dog, somebody elese's leftovers are not your portion.

So, Don't even bother being offended. You can't afford to be offended; not if you really need what you say you need.

Now, Jesus is always trying to teach us something. HERE, he attempts to teach us: The importance of ignoring the words of some people and still going after what we need.

No matter what Jesus said to her...The woman in the text didn't get offended or bulge from her position. She NEVER ACCEPTED that she was a dog because its obvious, she was not, but even they eat the crumbs...She needed what she needed. So, she needed to step out in faith and make some clever observations that even Jesus couldn't argue with.

Your faith will knock the argument out of the most agrumentatively skilled person. Your faith will win, if you let it SHINE over your emotions and stop taking everything to heart, stop being offended.

SOMEBODY: Offense is robbing you of your healing, right to your face.

You say you need to be healed, but God knows that before anything manifests for you physically..You must be healed inwardly and stop holding on to what they said to you or about you, believing that "somehow" their words are true; you are not deserving, when indeed you are.

You are deserving. You deserve to LIVE, you deserve to eat more than the crumbles, you are not a dog and leftovers, hiding out under the table waiting for your chance, for your opportunity is not your portion. 

The woman in the text got what she needed, because of her faith in Jesus and because she knew, she more than what was said to her or about her. It's time, you knew the same.

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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