Tuesday, December 25, 2018

12/25/18 "Unmasking Santa"

"Unmasking Santa"

The big guy with the red suit and white beard and the idea that he brings gifts to the world overnight is so satisfying to the flesh. Think about it: All of us would love to receive what we asked for overnight, just because we asked for it, no money, credit or debit card needed.

Faith, however, can be a much harder process with things delivered as God (Your Father) sees you're ready, sees you're mentally and emotionally ready to receive, not just physically as your body's issues, needs and wants can perpetuate a LIE, prematurely having a tantrum. 

So, Some of us are trying to sell ourselves a lie, not just our kids, but our adult selves, because we're irritated by the wait faith creates.

Still others of us, are just so tired of being lied to, pretending, playing make believe, even in something as 'innocent and playful" as the illusion of Santa would appear to be at first glance. Nevermind, that Santa (of all names) spells out Satan backwards!!!

We want truth!!! Here's the truth: Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.

He might not deliver overnight, but when he does deliver...You can bank on the fact that he doesn't need the assistance of  Rudolph (the red nose reindeer to find you). He knows you.... Loves you...Gave his life for you. The least you can do is have faith, trust Him.

He's a rewarder of those who diligently seek him.

 So, Celebrate Him and not Santa (or satan in disguise) trying to steal all the attention, the glory of the season for himself. 

● Scripture Reference: 

John 14:6,  Psalm 139, John 3:16, Psalm 100,  Acts 9:11, Heb 11:6, Matt 2

Merry Christmas FOR REAL!!!

JESUS is the Reason for the season 💜 🎁🎄

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy 

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