Monday, December 31, 2018

12/31/18 "Even When You Don't Have A Mentor"


"Even When You Don't Have A Mentor"
Matthew 14:25-30 NIV
25 Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake.
26 When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified.  
"It's a ghost," they said, and cried out in fear.
27 But Jesus immediately said to them: "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid."
28 "Lord, if it's you," Peter replied, 
"Tell me to come to you on the water."
29 "Come," he said.
Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.
30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!"

Here's the revelation, I need you to catch in your spirit...From the text we see that: Peter had Jesus as a mentor, someone who showed him how to walk on the water and he still failed.

So, Beloved, Don't feel discouraged just because (maybe) you don't have a mentor to show how to do what you are desiring to do. Don't get discouraged just because it's something that has never been done in your family, especially by someone coming from where you come from. The odds are in your favor!!!

God is calling you to be a "Trailblazer" in this moment. Stay confident in your ability and in the God that has helped you this far.
● Remember, the bible says: 
Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
Philippians 1:6 NIV

He will carry it on to completion.

Don't let fear sat in and cause you to lose your focus, cause you to take your eyes off your goal. This was Peter's greatest mistake, but it's a mistake you don't have to make.

Peter may have lost his focus and failed in the end, but the one thing he got right is: He was the 1st of the disciples to get out the boat.

Beloved, Sometimes you have to the 1st of your family members, the 1st of your friends to take a chance, take a leap of faith. 

In the words of Pastor Chris Hill:
Sometimes game changers have to start their own game.

Because you are a trailblazer, a game changer called to this season of your life...Sometimes you have to start, without even a clue how to.

God ordered Noah to build an ark. He told him what he wanted him to do, but not how to do it.
So, Noah (who had never built an ark a day in his life) had no mentor, but yet he was out there building to the best of his ability.  Gen 6:13-16 NIV

Then there's Peter who in the opening text failed, even after having a mentor.
He redeemed himself though...
 In Luke 5: He actually did better without Jesus acting as a mentor and showing him what to do... It is doable. You can achieve it, do it without a mentor.

This time, Jesus didn't mentor him in actions, but simply told him in words (he simply talked to him) and Peter was able to catch fish and turn his fishing business around.

Last but not least, There's Me. God called me a prophetess back in 2002 and gave me 'the okay" to start a internet ministry via Blogtalkradio in 20012 . What would I say? How does Blogtalkradio work? Questions, questions, questions....I had lots of questions because there are no prophets or prophetess, preachers, pastors etc in my family. I wasn't even raised up in church. There are no Blogtalkradio host or radio host period in my family..Yet by the grace of God, I'm doing it....6 years strong, going into 2019.

Meditation Points:

1. It's doable without a mentor...Mentorship does make it easier though. Still, it's doable without.

2. Research what you can. ..I went on YouTube to find out to work a BlogTalkRadio switch board which looks a lot like a real studio.

3. Pray without ceasing. 
1 Thess 5:17 NKJ

4. Live a lifestyle of worship, expecting God to speak to you. You need His Voice.
Acts 13:2 NIV

5. Sit at his feet. Practice being in His Presence, because you're going to need instructions. 
Deut 33:3 NIV 

6. AND instead, of asking God for the head of your enemies (fleshly stuff like that)...Ask him for wisdom.
1 Kings 3:1-15 NIV

7. Always remember: He justifies the called.
Rom 8:30 NIV


Here, when you need me.

Until Next Month. 

● HaPpY New YeAr!!!! 📯🎷📣

 Love, Prophetess Stacy 
Hosea 12:13 NIV 

CALL Or TEXT: 865-408-8690

Join Us 12/31
Prolific Fire 
Call 347-426-3782

● Mentorship Corner is offered only once a month and is meant to be a tool for those who want to be mentored in the prophetic concerning real issues. 

Sunday, December 30, 2018

12/30/18 "Stop Being Offended By Everything"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Stop Being Offended By Everything" 

A woman came in need of help, her daughter was vexed with a devil. Jesus answered, "I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. It is not meet to take the children's bread, and cast it to dogs." 

She replied, "Yet the dogs eat of the crumbs..."

Matt 15: 22-28 KJV

Beloved, You deserve more than the crumbs off of somebody else's table, you are not a dog, somebody elese's leftovers are not your portion.

So, Don't even bother being offended. You can't afford to be offended; not if you really need what you say you need.

Now, Jesus is always trying to teach us something. HERE, he attempts to teach us: The importance of ignoring the words of some people and still going after what we need.

No matter what Jesus said to her...The woman in the text didn't get offended or bulge from her position. She NEVER ACCEPTED that she was a dog because its obvious, she was not, but even they eat the crumbs...She needed what she needed. So, she needed to step out in faith and make some clever observations that even Jesus couldn't argue with.

Your faith will knock the argument out of the most agrumentatively skilled person. Your faith will win, if you let it SHINE over your emotions and stop taking everything to heart, stop being offended.

SOMEBODY: Offense is robbing you of your healing, right to your face.

You say you need to be healed, but God knows that before anything manifests for you physically..You must be healed inwardly and stop holding on to what they said to you or about you, believing that "somehow" their words are true; you are not deserving, when indeed you are.

You are deserving. You deserve to LIVE, you deserve to eat more than the crumbles, you are not a dog and leftovers, hiding out under the table waiting for your chance, for your opportunity is not your portion. 

The woman in the text got what she needed, because of her faith in Jesus and because she knew, she more than what was said to her or about her. It's time, you knew the same.

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

12/25/18 "Unmasking Santa"

"Unmasking Santa"

The big guy with the red suit and white beard and the idea that he brings gifts to the world overnight is so satisfying to the flesh. Think about it: All of us would love to receive what we asked for overnight, just because we asked for it, no money, credit or debit card needed.

Faith, however, can be a much harder process with things delivered as God (Your Father) sees you're ready, sees you're mentally and emotionally ready to receive, not just physically as your body's issues, needs and wants can perpetuate a LIE, prematurely having a tantrum. 

So, Some of us are trying to sell ourselves a lie, not just our kids, but our adult selves, because we're irritated by the wait faith creates.

Still others of us, are just so tired of being lied to, pretending, playing make believe, even in something as 'innocent and playful" as the illusion of Santa would appear to be at first glance. Nevermind, that Santa (of all names) spells out Satan backwards!!!

We want truth!!! Here's the truth: Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.

He might not deliver overnight, but when he does deliver...You can bank on the fact that he doesn't need the assistance of  Rudolph (the red nose reindeer to find you). He knows you.... Loves you...Gave his life for you. The least you can do is have faith, trust Him.

He's a rewarder of those who diligently seek him.

 So, Celebrate Him and not Santa (or satan in disguise) trying to steal all the attention, the glory of the season for himself. 

● Scripture Reference: 

John 14:6,  Psalm 139, John 3:16, Psalm 100,  Acts 9:11, Heb 11:6, Matt 2

Merry Christmas FOR REAL!!!

JESUS is the Reason for the season 💜 🎁🎄

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy 

Sunday, December 23, 2018

12/23/18 "Honoring God Part 2'


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Honoring God Part 2"

In Acts 3: We find a crippled man camped out in front of The Temple (the church), begging for money, doing what he felt he had to do to survive, but the people (church people) just ignored him. They didn't even try to give anything...Everybody except Peter and John, that is.


When the man asked, Peter and John for money...Peter said: "Silver and gold I have none, but such as I have, I give..."

Acts 3:6

Beloved, That's all God requires of you. In this season, honor God by giving.

You don't have to be rich, handing out silver and gold.

Everything doesn't have to be shiny and perfect in your home, before you decide to give.

Give what you have...Peter and John gave that man what they had and it was enough to create a miracle in his life.

It was enough to get him up and on his feet, and change his demeanor from beggar to blessed.

Acts 3:1-11 KJV

If you've ever been on the receiving end of a blessing, if you've ever been in need of a miracle, if you've experienced church hurt or if you've ever been down and it took the help of someone else to get you back up...Honor God by giving. 

I just LOVE that the bible says: And as the lame man which was healed HELD Peter and John, all the people ran together unto them....

Acts 3:11 KJV

 Don't hurt someone else the way you've been hurt by those who didn't help you. A person can appear healed (perfectly normal) on the outside and still need to be held, still need someone to hold on to, to be okay emotionally, especially during this time of year. 

You never know what's locked away in a seed. You never know what extending a helping hand  with no strings attached can do for someone whose truly in need.  You never know what a difference a few dollars donated can make, a hot meal given can make.

So, Don't just open gifts this Christmas...Honor God by being the gift someone else needs, really needs.

Until Next Sunday .

MeRRy CHrIsTmas Everybody!!! 🎁🎄💜

Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, December 16, 2018

12/16/18 "Honoring God Part 1"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Honoring God Part 1"

I know it's the season to be jolly, friendly, and happy, but a lot of you have enemies that are coming out in this season.

They're coming to sit at your table, just to see how well you've managed to pull things together.

What they don't know is, you haven't done anything, but God has done it all. Even when you didn't have it, your lack didn't disrupt the preparation of the table God was preparing for you.

That's why David in Psalm 23:5 gives God all the credit  and takes none of the credit for himself saying, God, "YOU prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies."

Even though, you've had to walk through some valleys this year and you had some near death experiences this year...Still you walked through it,  you made it through it all.

And in just a few more days, the table will be set to feast with family, friends, and enemies alike...Some of who, you know, are just there to spectate, there to criticize the display of foods you do have. There to tell you what could have been cooked better, done better etc.

Still, Do not get discouraged because that's your table in your house and this is your season to be jolly, to be happy, in spite of. They are just there (especially your enemies)...They are just there to legitimize your table and officially be in the presence of what God is doing in your life.

Psalm 23:4-5 NKJ

He's a provider in the face of your enemies and in the face of some family and friends too. So, On Christmas Day, Honor the God that has really been there for you. Don't think on what they're saying. Be like the Apostle Paul, "Think Yourself Happy." If he could think himself happy while on trial, defending himself to King Agrippa. Surely, you can do the same at the table this year. Sit down at the table in FULL CONTROL. You got this!

Honor the wonderful name of the LORD,

and worship the LORD

most holy and glorious. 

Psalm 29:2 CEV, Acts 26:1-7 NKJ

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, December 9, 2018

12/9/18 "For The Dreamers"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"For The Dreamers"

Stop waiting for calgon to relax you or for some other magical formula you've concocted to relax you and take your mind off of things. 

What if I told you, your dreams were designed to  take your mind off of things, your dreams were designed to take you away from what's bothering you?

What if I told you, it was Joseph's dreams that took his mind off of being hated and it was his dreams that took him away from all the chaos that was brewing at home?

In Genesis 37 (NKJ): Joseph's brothers hated him because of their father, Israel. Israel favored Joseph over them and loved him more than them and they knew it.  So they hated Joseph. That's also, when the dreams seemed to start. Joseph had dream after dream until it landed him in the pit, and eventually in Egypt  as Governor. See Genesis 41

I just feel led to tell SOMEBODY this Sunday: I know you have been through a lot, you've been through some pits, but keep dreaming. Even though, they're calling you names and making fun of your dreams right now. Joseph went through all of that too. Keep dreaming.

Keep dreaming because the same thing that's funny to them and makes no sense to them right now is the same thing that will change YOU, your environment and your family life for the better and FOREVER.

Things won't always be the way they are now. God has promised you a future and he's not about to abandon you now. You can LIVE through this process, as long as you keep dreaming.  Jere 29:11, Ezekiel 16:6 

Your dreams are about to shift you and uplift you (not calgon) But God, he is the lifter of your head. Using his dreams which acted as seeds, God lifted Joseph up out of hatred and serve famine (that was to come).He's about to do the same for you. He's about to lift you up out of whatever you're going through. Manifestation is coming. Harvest time is coming. Don't faint! Keep dreaming.

SOMEBODY: Go ahead and water the seeds of your imagination!

Gal 6:9 Psalm 3:3

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, December 2, 2018

12/2/18 "All For One and One For All"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"All For One and One For All"

There's just some pain you can't get through on your own, but you need the strength of those you love around you, standing their post...You need them to put aside their differences and be all for one and one for all.

The bible says: The Israelites (as a whole, collectively) grieved for Moses in the plains of Moab thirty days, until the time of weeping and mourning was over.

Deut 34:8  NIV

SOMEBODY reading this: I pray over your family, that your family will come together as a whole, and collectively feel what you need to feel to heal and get through this difficult season, and not one of you be left alone, to drown in your grief, in the ache of your heart.

I pray that the mindset of your family will not take any of you back to Moab (back to a place of lack), where you lack maturity or simply fail to see the benefit of being together, supporting each other.

Ruth and Naomi together back in Moab had loss a lot...Naomi had loss her husband and both her Sons, and for Ruth, she had loss her Husband, her brother-in-law and her father-in-law, but  they had each other to lean on. They were each other's support system going into what was a very unwanted new season, a very unexpected new chapter of their life. 

The Book of Ruth Chapter 1

Beloved, It's never easy to wake up to the unwanted, unexpected and realize that it's now your life and not a Nightmare On Elm Street, but this thing is happening on your street, at your house, in your family...But God, he gives you strength to do ALL things, even this, even now. I just pray you all do it together, not divided; as a house divided against itself cannot stand.

It's time to be all for one and one for all.

Mark 3:25 Philip 4:13

My condolences 🙏

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy