Saturday, June 30, 2018

7/1/18 Prolific Fire Mentorship Corner

June 30, 2018

"How To Have An Anointing That Destroys The Yoke Off Other People"

And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.
Isaiah 10:27 KJV

Having an anointing that destroys the yoke off other people sounds good,
 but in order to be able, to set other people free of their bondage, free of their burden (s) plural....You must first be free YOURSELF and that takes real work. It's definitely not a pretty process, not at all.

You will have some crying nights, some sleepless nights just like Apostle Paul said (when he listed some of things he'd been through) 2 Corin 11:27 NIV

You will have some nights where you just don't understand, what you're going through and what it's accomplishing (if anything).

The bible says: Nehemiah sat down and wept. He mourned and fasted for days; going into prayer...He confessed and repented and ask for favor with man. This was the process Nehemiah went through BEFORE receiving favor and a anointing that would not only help him to rebuild Jerusalem's torn down wall, but help him take part in rebuilding a people and community as well...

But first, he had to be torn down, free and delivered from some things . So he wept, mourned, fasted, prayed, confessed and repented. It was a cycle that went on for days! 
Nehemiah 1:4-11 NIV 

That's because the WORD of God is a double edge sword that cuts. Why double edge? Because one edge is for YOU, the other for the person you will be ministering to. Heb 4:12 NIV

Beloved, You must get to know the sword of correction, the sword of deliverance intimately..Some things must be cut out of you or cut off from you, some bondage, some burdens freed, lifted off of you. The WORD must do a work in you, before it can do a work through you and birth out an anointing with the power to change lives.

Another Example of this would be Joseph: 
You see, BEFORE he could only talk about his dreams to others, but WHILE in prison...His anointing to interpret the dreams of others was birthed out.
Genesis 37 Genesis 40 Genesis 41

Joseph endured the process of being cut off (isolated) from his family and friends, but it was worth it...The anointing on his life grew stronger and helped others tremendously. 

Then, last but not least: There was Jesus.
Jesus was denied by Peter and betrayed by Judas (among other things)....All of which helped strengthen the anointing on his life and helped him go to The Cross and change lives. And still to this day, Jesus has the kind of anointing on his life that changes lives, that frees people from bondage, that lifts burdens, that destroys yokes.
John 18:15-27 Matt 26:14-16

Meditation Points:

1. Don't underestimate the power of what you're going through and how it can be used by God later on in your journey.

2. Destroying yokes off you first is a process...Submit your life to working on you with God's assist and he will do the rest.

3. Don't get frustrated, no matter what the call of God is on your life because THIS you know for sure.

4. All things work together for the good of those who love the LORD and are CALLED according to his purpose.
 Rom 8:28

5. Nobody ever said: It would feel good or even make good sense to YOU at times what God is doing but trust...

6. In the words of Jesus, "You don't understand now what I'm doing, but someday you will."
John 13:7 NLT

This Mentorship Corner is offered ONLY once a month and is meant for those who desire mentorship by way of the prophetic.

So, if you have been blessed:
Leave a comment on this blog or email me: 

For prayer or bible based consultation:
Call or Text: 865-408-8690

Until Next Month.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy 

P.S.  Join my sister in ministry Prophetess Pate 
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Vision Statement: Prolific Fire - Seeking 2 Help You Where You Hurt! (Which simply means we deal with real issues using #TheBible as a reference).

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