Sunday, June 24, 2018

6/24/18 "He's A Keeper"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"He's A Keeper"

John 13:18-30 NKJ

In the text: Judas found himself under the influence of the devil. He was mentally and spiritually messed up (confused, hurting, and being tormented) and he was about to act it out physically and NOT ONE of the disciples present in the room that night knew what Judas was going through.

They had no idea that Judas would be the brother among them that would break the rank of their trust, break their brotherly code and betray The Master.

Sure, they knew he had the MONEY BOX but some thought he was just going to buy the supplies for the upcoming feast. Others thought, he should give to the poor, but nobody knew what was really going on.

Jesus told Judas, "What you are about to do, do quickly."...At which, as soon as Judas got the bread, he left, he went out the door, and again...Nobody knew what was really going on. Nobody knew but Jesus and Judas.

That's because God, he knows how to keep you even when you're messed up.

Judas was messed up bad, mentally and spiritually, but he was still employed, he still had a job because The Master chose to keep him.

SOMEBODY: You're currently going through a lot and it has taken a toll on you. Still nobody around you really knows what's going on, they don't know what you're going through, but like the disciples; they have their little speculations. 

That's because he's a keeper.

Even though, you're messed up bad right now, God has kept you employed...Your boss has no idea how mentally drained you are.

God has kept your marriage...Your spouse has no idea, you're having some physical concerns.

God has keep you spiritually...Even though, like Judas, you have chosen something contrary to the ways of Christ.

He has kept you.

Judas went out the door with his reputation in tact that night, because Jesus let him get away with what he was about to do.

So please, don't YOU get cocky and think that you've pulled one over on God.

Lord knows you are SO WRONG.

The Holy Spirit bears witness that it's only HIS grace and mercy that's keeping you too. 

Now, that's something to think about. 

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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