Sunday, June 3, 2018

6/3/18 "Defeating Life's Oppressors"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Defeating Life's Oppressors"

How long must I wrestle with  my thoughts 
and day after day have sorrow in my heart?
*David asked the question that many of you are asking. 
 Psalm 13:2 NIV

Beloved. Sadness, depression, sickness, bitterness cannot survive in HIS PRESENCE. The JOY of the Lord is strong enough to overtake all of that. GET IN HIS PRESENCE until your emptiness is FULL again. God wants to rebuild your joy; too much has tried to tear it down, but this JOY the Lord  wants to rebuild in you is your strength, it's the contentment of your soul. Psalm 16:11 Nehemiah  8:10 Philip 4:12

However, I know you feel like depression or some other form of oppression is pulling you away from God...But it will not win over you, over the GOD in you. 1 John 4:4
Like a Professional football player, you've been tackled by this and that, you've been hurt, you've been injured and you're out for the season, but you're not out permanently. 

Focus Points:

You must stop confusing permanent with seasonal.

You can change, heal, and come out of what is seasonal.

You must keep evolving, so the enemy won't have a clue.

Let's Pray:

Father God,
We come against depression, oppression, we come against sickness in the body, sickness in the mind, sickness in the spirit....We declare DELIVERANCE. Deliverance to those who are sin sick and bitter in their soul.
We pray you strengthen them with the zeal to let go, to forgive, to walk away and stay away from every toxic connection or situation that brought on the depression, that has formed into a soul tie.
We break, we defeat every oppressing spirit. We will not be bound to life's oppessors. We are not slaves and it (whatever it is) is not our master anymore.

We're coming out by any means neccessary. No longer will we question, see, or think that the enemy is winning.
No longer will we wrestle with our own thoughts of defeat. 
We embrace manifestation.
In Jesus name.  Amen.

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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