Saturday, June 30, 2018

7/1/18 Prolific Fire Mentorship Corner

June 30, 2018

"How To Have An Anointing That Destroys The Yoke Off Other People"

And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.
Isaiah 10:27 KJV

Having an anointing that destroys the yoke off other people sounds good,
 but in order to be able, to set other people free of their bondage, free of their burden (s) plural....You must first be free YOURSELF and that takes real work. It's definitely not a pretty process, not at all.

You will have some crying nights, some sleepless nights just like Apostle Paul said (when he listed some of things he'd been through) 2 Corin 11:27 NIV

You will have some nights where you just don't understand, what you're going through and what it's accomplishing (if anything).

The bible says: Nehemiah sat down and wept. He mourned and fasted for days; going into prayer...He confessed and repented and ask for favor with man. This was the process Nehemiah went through BEFORE receiving favor and a anointing that would not only help him to rebuild Jerusalem's torn down wall, but help him take part in rebuilding a people and community as well...

But first, he had to be torn down, free and delivered from some things . So he wept, mourned, fasted, prayed, confessed and repented. It was a cycle that went on for days! 
Nehemiah 1:4-11 NIV 

That's because the WORD of God is a double edge sword that cuts. Why double edge? Because one edge is for YOU, the other for the person you will be ministering to. Heb 4:12 NIV

Beloved, You must get to know the sword of correction, the sword of deliverance intimately..Some things must be cut out of you or cut off from you, some bondage, some burdens freed, lifted off of you. The WORD must do a work in you, before it can do a work through you and birth out an anointing with the power to change lives.

Another Example of this would be Joseph: 
You see, BEFORE he could only talk about his dreams to others, but WHILE in prison...His anointing to interpret the dreams of others was birthed out.
Genesis 37 Genesis 40 Genesis 41

Joseph endured the process of being cut off (isolated) from his family and friends, but it was worth it...The anointing on his life grew stronger and helped others tremendously. 

Then, last but not least: There was Jesus.
Jesus was denied by Peter and betrayed by Judas (among other things)....All of which helped strengthen the anointing on his life and helped him go to The Cross and change lives. And still to this day, Jesus has the kind of anointing on his life that changes lives, that frees people from bondage, that lifts burdens, that destroys yokes.
John 18:15-27 Matt 26:14-16

Meditation Points:

1. Don't underestimate the power of what you're going through and how it can be used by God later on in your journey.

2. Destroying yokes off you first is a process...Submit your life to working on you with God's assist and he will do the rest.

3. Don't get frustrated, no matter what the call of God is on your life because THIS you know for sure.

4. All things work together for the good of those who love the LORD and are CALLED according to his purpose.
 Rom 8:28

5. Nobody ever said: It would feel good or even make good sense to YOU at times what God is doing but trust...

6. In the words of Jesus, "You don't understand now what I'm doing, but someday you will."
John 13:7 NLT

This Mentorship Corner is offered ONLY once a month and is meant for those who desire mentorship by way of the prophetic.

So, if you have been blessed:
Leave a comment on this blog or email me: 

For prayer or bible based consultation:
Call or Text: 865-408-8690

Until Next Month.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy 

P.S.  Join my sister in ministry Prophetess Pate 
For prayer and encouragement 
On Faith on the Line
CALL 347-426-3782
*The phone line will be opened to take your PRAYER REQUEST and pray with you.

Then Join Me 
On Prolific Fire 
CALL 347-426-3782

Vision Statement: Prolific Fire - Seeking 2 Help You Where You Hurt! (Which simply means we deal with real issues using #TheBible as a reference).

Sunday, June 24, 2018

6/24/18 "He's A Keeper"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"He's A Keeper"

John 13:18-30 NKJ

In the text: Judas found himself under the influence of the devil. He was mentally and spiritually messed up (confused, hurting, and being tormented) and he was about to act it out physically and NOT ONE of the disciples present in the room that night knew what Judas was going through.

They had no idea that Judas would be the brother among them that would break the rank of their trust, break their brotherly code and betray The Master.

Sure, they knew he had the MONEY BOX but some thought he was just going to buy the supplies for the upcoming feast. Others thought, he should give to the poor, but nobody knew what was really going on.

Jesus told Judas, "What you are about to do, do quickly."...At which, as soon as Judas got the bread, he left, he went out the door, and again...Nobody knew what was really going on. Nobody knew but Jesus and Judas.

That's because God, he knows how to keep you even when you're messed up.

Judas was messed up bad, mentally and spiritually, but he was still employed, he still had a job because The Master chose to keep him.

SOMEBODY: You're currently going through a lot and it has taken a toll on you. Still nobody around you really knows what's going on, they don't know what you're going through, but like the disciples; they have their little speculations. 

That's because he's a keeper.

Even though, you're messed up bad right now, God has kept you employed...Your boss has no idea how mentally drained you are.

God has kept your marriage...Your spouse has no idea, you're having some physical concerns.

God has keep you spiritually...Even though, like Judas, you have chosen something contrary to the ways of Christ.

He has kept you.

Judas went out the door with his reputation in tact that night, because Jesus let him get away with what he was about to do.

So please, don't YOU get cocky and think that you've pulled one over on God.

Lord knows you are SO WRONG.

The Holy Spirit bears witness that it's only HIS grace and mercy that's keeping you too. 

Now, that's something to think about. 

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, June 17, 2018

6/17/18 "Be A Father To Your Child"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Be A Father To Your Child"

Philemon 1:10-14 NLT

I find this passage of scripture to be very intriguing because it removes "almost" every excuse a man could have for not being a Father to his child.

Here, the Apostle Paul was in chains (bound, limited)...He was in prison (restricted) but  his manhood (the responsibility, the need to look out for his child was still intact).

So right there from prison, the Apostle Paul sent a letter of recommendation to those who had known Onesimus before, letting them know of his son's spiritual growth, giving them the okay to accept him back in and asking them to be kind to the seed he had produced. 

He was not selfish. Though he loved Onesimus dearly and would have loved to keep him there with him. Still, he chose to release him, to set his son up in a better opportunity, a better position than the one he, himself was currently in.

Sometimes being a man, being a Father means doing what you don't want to do.

Even if, it means like the Apostle Paul writing a letter and smoothing some things over with the people who will be around your child,  the people whose environment your child will share.

FOR SOMEBODY: This means writing a letter, typing an email and sending it to the mother of your child (even if, you don't want to or feel you were at fault and should have to).

DO IT...SMOOTH THINGS OVER...APOLOGIZE...Just to make things easier on the child, because believe it or not, that child can feel the tension that's coming from both sides.

SIDE NOTE: Hopefully, the mother will be mom enough to put her feelings aside.

You see, It's a weak man that only wants to see himself in his son and does not even TRY to impart something of greater value into the spirit of his son, into the spirit of his daughter, something for the next generation, something for the person they are indeed becoming.

Be A Father To Your Child..PAY their way (financially), but also PAVE their way by making some things right! 

Man, I'm Praying for YOU.

HaPpY FaTHer's DAY!

Until Next Sunday. 

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, June 10, 2018

6/10/18 "Judas Loved Jesus"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Judas Loved Jesus"

I know that's a controversial statement, but I really believe he did.

Judas loved Jesus..He just got caught up in greed, in lust, in his love for money.

Remember: It's the LOVE of money that's the root of all evil. 1 Tim 6:10 NIV

Remember the bible says: A man is drawn away by his own lustfully desires. James 1:14 KJV

 It was his LOVE of money that caused Judas to do evil. It was his LUST for money that pulled him away from the GOD he worked for.

So to say that, Judas didn't love Jesus because of the issues he struggled with is UNFAIR.  

Remember, these were issues that Jesus knew about and still he chose to keep him employed. 

Saying Judas didn't love Jesus that would be like telling some married woman...Her husband doesn't love her, because of the things the marriage is going through right now and she's wrong for staying.

Whatever happened to withholding judgment?  Whatever happened to just loving the person (apart from their issues)..In other words, love the person, but hate the sin.

Jesus knew that Judas had issues and would be the one to betray him, but still he chose to keep him employed. 

Whatever happened to being willing to put in  the work and work on forgiving that other person?

SOMEBODY: Stop listening to that person telling you what they would do, if they were you...HELLO, THEY ARE NOT YOU and nothing you choose to do will affect them.

Judas' s story ended tragically because the devil had entered and took over his mind and made him believe, he had done too much to be forgiven. Still, Judas just couldn't stand seeing all the pain he had caused Jesus. The bible says: He was seized with remorse and he tried to give back the money.

You see, when a person loves you and they come to their senses..They will try to make amends.

So, I can't say Judas didn't love Jesus...I think he did...He just had some issues and needed to be delivered.

But can you imagine being remorseful and feeling like there is no hope at the same time?

Matthew 27 John 13:18-30 NIV


Until Next Sunday.

LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

Thursday, June 7, 2018

5/1/18 Prolific Fire Mentorship Corner


"When People Are (Crowding You) Pushing In On You...What's Really Happening?"

Luke 5:1-3 Message bible:

Once when he was standing on the shore of Lake Gennesaret, the crowd was pushing in on him to better hear the Word of God. 
He noticed two boats tied up. 
The fishermen had just left them and were out scrubbing their nets.
He climbed into the boat that was Simon's and asked him to put out a little from the shore.
Sitting there, using the boat for a pulpit, he taught the crowd.

So, when people are (crowding you) pushing in on you...What's really happening?

If you're saved (in right standing with God) this is your golden opportunity to:

1. Hear the Word of God better (receive revelation knowledge from the Word) etc.

2. You will notice things more, even the little things that seem insignificant (you will become more observant and develop a spirit of discernment).

3. New opportunities will be left open for you to do what it is that you do.

Beloved, I can testify personally, I KNOW these 3 things happen to the saved, to the anointed when pushed in on.

So let them crowd you, push in on you, trying to get what they can get....I can almost guarantee you that this moment in scripture made Jesus an even BETTER teacher, because they got from Him, but he also received.

Isn't that what real ministry is all about giving and receiving?
Just something for you to think about.

Until Next Month. 
I am Here if you need me.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy 
Hosea 12:13 NIV 

Call Or Text: 865-408-8690 

Join Prophetess Pate for #Prayer and #Encouragement
On #FaithOnTheLine With Prophetess Pate 
Call 347-426-3782 
*The phone line will be opened to pray with you. 

Join Me 
On Prolific Fire 
Call 347-426-3782 

Sunday, June 3, 2018

6/3/18 "Defeating Life's Oppressors"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"Defeating Life's Oppressors"

How long must I wrestle with  my thoughts 
and day after day have sorrow in my heart?
*David asked the question that many of you are asking. 
 Psalm 13:2 NIV

Beloved. Sadness, depression, sickness, bitterness cannot survive in HIS PRESENCE. The JOY of the Lord is strong enough to overtake all of that. GET IN HIS PRESENCE until your emptiness is FULL again. God wants to rebuild your joy; too much has tried to tear it down, but this JOY the Lord  wants to rebuild in you is your strength, it's the contentment of your soul. Psalm 16:11 Nehemiah  8:10 Philip 4:12

However, I know you feel like depression or some other form of oppression is pulling you away from God...But it will not win over you, over the GOD in you. 1 John 4:4
Like a Professional football player, you've been tackled by this and that, you've been hurt, you've been injured and you're out for the season, but you're not out permanently. 

Focus Points:

You must stop confusing permanent with seasonal.

You can change, heal, and come out of what is seasonal.

You must keep evolving, so the enemy won't have a clue.

Let's Pray:

Father God,
We come against depression, oppression, we come against sickness in the body, sickness in the mind, sickness in the spirit....We declare DELIVERANCE. Deliverance to those who are sin sick and bitter in their soul.
We pray you strengthen them with the zeal to let go, to forgive, to walk away and stay away from every toxic connection or situation that brought on the depression, that has formed into a soul tie.
We break, we defeat every oppressing spirit. We will not be bound to life's oppessors. We are not slaves and it (whatever it is) is not our master anymore.

We're coming out by any means neccessary. No longer will we question, see, or think that the enemy is winning.
No longer will we wrestle with our own thoughts of defeat. 
We embrace manifestation.
In Jesus name.  Amen.

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy