Sunday, January 21, 2018

1/21/18 "Here I Am!"


5 Minutes of Focus
"Here I Am!"

"Here I Am!" refreshing words to a weary soul that needs to know that Jesus is still tangible, available, present in this life with us.

Rev 3:20 NIV starts off with: Here I Am! (going on to say);
I stand at the door and knock.
If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.

This scripture is so special to me, because it's through this scripture, that the Holy Spirit taught me about "The Mannerisms Of God".
God is a gentleman... Jesus is a gentleman.

He stands at the door and knocks- waiting for you to hear and make the decision to let him in.
He stands at the door and knocks - waiting for permission, waiting, wanting his relationship with you to be consensual, not forced or in violation of your will.

Beloved,  Hear Me: Jesus will never force himself on you, take advantage of you, or seek to manipulate you....For those of you that have suffered abuse (of any kind) that's super important for you to know.

SOMEBODY: God wants you to know that accepting him, accepting the Holy Spirit,  accepting Jesus as your LORD and SAVIOUR will not be like any other relationship you've ever been in.

A relationship with Jesus will not remind you of your father, remind you of your parents, remind you of that ex boyfriend or girlfriend that did you wrong, that did not know how to take care of you properly.

Jesus is proper and God is fit. He's fit..He's a good, good Father/Parent and the Holy Spirit does things decent and in order. It's the Holy Spirit that causes Jesus to stand at the door, patiently waiting on you.

Focus Points :

The Holy Spirit always lets YOU decide.

You can always tell, if a man or woman has the Holy Spirit  (the power of God) operating in their lives, based on how they treat YOU.

Stop making excuses for them! If they're treating you wrong (abusing you) that's not Holy, it's not God's Spirit; despite their title (Father, Mother, Brother, Elder, Pastor etc.)
Today, I pray for the abused and the abuser...Save them BOTH, Father.
Hear Jesus...Let Him in.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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