Sunday, April 9, 2017

4/9/17 "People Don't Always Mean What They Say" ☆Taken From Prolific Fire Ministry Facebook pg.


5 Minutes Of Focus.... (The Non-Video)
"People Don't Always Mean What They Say"....

Sometimes, Wrong words  can just be BAD ADVICE offered in the midst of pain.

For example,  Job's wife...Job's wife has taken a lot of criticism from BELIEVERS because she told her HUSBAND to "Curse God and Die."
Job 2:9

Did she mean it?  In a sarcastic way, I think, Yes....But mean it from her heart, Absolutely NOT!

You must remember that prior to her saying what she said...This was a WIFE that had along with her HUSBAND lost animals, servants, their house, and their children; basically every thing that made their life together so great. Job 1

And if that wasn't enough in Job 2...Her HUSBAND (Job) whom she lived with and got to see 1st hand his faithfulness to God was now SICK.

How could God let this happen? She sees her HUSBAND...The man she took vows of forever with, still trying to maintain his integrity. So she speaks up, (Even though, what she said was FOOLISH) and says, Curse God and Die!
She gave him some BAD ADVICE.

Yeah she said it, but more like a wife that thought her husband was being made a fool of by God (A God who was not helping the situation)...So why remain integral at this point?
Curse God and Die!

Have you ever said something sarcastically, said something out of grieve that you just didn't mean later?

Have you ever seen someone you loved go through so much...You would just about say anything (given any advice possible) to make it STOP?

Job's wife LOVED him.
The reason I know she LOVED him is because despite everything, she never left him.
She never spoke of getting a divorce or separation in the text.

Unlike now a days, we all know at least one couple  who has split up over something that was just petty differences.

But she was desperate to make the devastation STOP... Wealth Gone. House Gone. Children Gone and Hubby is now SICK (possibly next to be gone).

Focus Points:

1. Don't take everything said to you to heart.

2. If you're hurting, that friend or family member just might be hurting too.
3. Hurt people don't always hurt people...Sometimes hurt people offer BAD ADVICE  (FOOLISH ADVICE) trying to STOP the person they love from hurting.

Selah. Pause and Think about that!

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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