Sunday, April 23, 2017

4/23/17 "Regaining Your Sight" ☆Taken From: Prolific Fire Ministry Facebook pg


5 Minutes of Focus. .. (The Non-Video)
"Regaining Your Sight"

In Chapter 1 of the Book of Ruth:

Ruth's husband dies in the place they where  living called Moab...After his death, she relocates with her mother-in-law, Naomi back to Judah.

In Chapter 2 of the Book of Ruth: Going to work to provide for her and Naomi; there, Ruth meets Boaz.

Here's the part, I want you to think about:
Had Ruth not been healed, but still hurt (grieving) ...Even though she was in the field with Boaz, she would not  have been able to see what was right in front of her.

SOMEBODY: Until you get successfully healed from what happened in the 1st Chapter...You're not ready for what God has for you in this, the 2nd Chapter of your life.
You can't see the future while yet living in the past.

If Ruth's mind had still been in Moab, grieving over her dead husband...It's very possible the ONLY thing, she would have been ABLE TO SEE  in that field that day was a great job opportunity.

Beloved, There is so much more waiting on you..It would be a shame, a real  waste of God's time and creativity, if you didn't  get to see, experience, have it all.

But in order to do that....Some emotional doors have to close permanently.
Some feelings must heal. Some thoughts must change.
Sight must be renewed.

Focus Points:

1. Take some time to heal YOU.
2.  Your eyes can be broken, just as much as your heart.
Therefore, Ask God to heal, to renew your sight.
3. Live every day slowly removing valuable pieces of YOU from Chapter 1..It wasn't all bad,  you can savage something.
4. Get the mindset of the REBUILDER. You're not torn down, your foundation is still strong which means in the right soil (situation and time)...You will be able to see, experience, have, rebuild your life.

Hope I've given you much to meditate on this week.
Until Next Sunday.
SOMEBODY loves you, because I do. :-)

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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