Sunday, April 30, 2017

4/30/17 "What If Loving Them Is Not Enough?" ☆Taken From Prolific Fire Ministry Facebook pg

5 Minutes of Focus.... (The Non-Video)

"What If Loving Them Is Not Enough?"
1 Samuel  Chapter 1

Elkanah had two wives Penninah and Hannah...Penninah had children, Hannah did not. But because Elkanah LOVED Hannah and the LORD had closed her womb, he gave her a double portion.
Her rival, Penninah kept provoking her. This went on for years.  Elkanah  would say to her, Hannah, why are you weeping?  Why don't you eat? Why are you downhearted? Don't I mean more to you than ten sons?"

You see,  Elkanah loved Hannah and he just couldn't understand, why his love was not enough to satisfy her,  she wanted more....Hannah wanted children.

Dear Single One,
Those of you who think getting married is just going to magically fix everything.

God told me to tell you: If you are not satisfied now, if you have unfulfilled desires now...Getting married won't necessarily  satisfy or fulfill those desires.

Hannah was married. She had a husband that LOVED HER and still she had to cry many a days, many a nights.

Marriage won't end your tears. Hannah still had to go to God in prayer and keep going to God in prayer.

Until Prayer changed EVERYTHING.  Hannah's breakthrough came forth 1st in the PRAYER room and then manifested itself in the BEDROOM....But many of you think,  "If I can just get married,  ALL my problems will be solved. "
Real love is beautiful. Sex is powerful...But Prayer is essential to it all.

Focus Points:

1. Marrriage cannot fill up a heart that is searching....Only God and prayer can do that.

2. Work on you....If your desire is to be debt free,  own a home, be self -employed...Don't wait until you're  booed up (married) to try and obtain it.

3. Remember: You were born for your desires, YOU...and a spouse entering the mix is just an added blessing.


LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

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