Sunday, April 30, 2017

4/30/17 "What If Loving Them Is Not Enough?" ☆Taken From Prolific Fire Ministry Facebook pg

5 Minutes of Focus.... (The Non-Video)

"What If Loving Them Is Not Enough?"
1 Samuel  Chapter 1

Elkanah had two wives Penninah and Hannah...Penninah had children, Hannah did not. But because Elkanah LOVED Hannah and the LORD had closed her womb, he gave her a double portion.
Her rival, Penninah kept provoking her. This went on for years.  Elkanah  would say to her, Hannah, why are you weeping?  Why don't you eat? Why are you downhearted? Don't I mean more to you than ten sons?"

You see,  Elkanah loved Hannah and he just couldn't understand, why his love was not enough to satisfy her,  she wanted more....Hannah wanted children.

Dear Single One,
Those of you who think getting married is just going to magically fix everything.

God told me to tell you: If you are not satisfied now, if you have unfulfilled desires now...Getting married won't necessarily  satisfy or fulfill those desires.

Hannah was married. She had a husband that LOVED HER and still she had to cry many a days, many a nights.

Marriage won't end your tears. Hannah still had to go to God in prayer and keep going to God in prayer.

Until Prayer changed EVERYTHING.  Hannah's breakthrough came forth 1st in the PRAYER room and then manifested itself in the BEDROOM....But many of you think,  "If I can just get married,  ALL my problems will be solved. "
Real love is beautiful. Sex is powerful...But Prayer is essential to it all.

Focus Points:

1. Marrriage cannot fill up a heart that is searching....Only God and prayer can do that.

2. Work on you....If your desire is to be debt free,  own a home, be self -employed...Don't wait until you're  booed up (married) to try and obtain it.

3. Remember: You were born for your desires, YOU...and a spouse entering the mix is just an added blessing.


LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, April 23, 2017

4/23/17 "Regaining Your Sight" ☆Taken From: Prolific Fire Ministry Facebook pg


5 Minutes of Focus. .. (The Non-Video)
"Regaining Your Sight"

In Chapter 1 of the Book of Ruth:

Ruth's husband dies in the place they where  living called Moab...After his death, she relocates with her mother-in-law, Naomi back to Judah.

In Chapter 2 of the Book of Ruth: Going to work to provide for her and Naomi; there, Ruth meets Boaz.

Here's the part, I want you to think about:
Had Ruth not been healed, but still hurt (grieving) ...Even though she was in the field with Boaz, she would not  have been able to see what was right in front of her.

SOMEBODY: Until you get successfully healed from what happened in the 1st Chapter...You're not ready for what God has for you in this, the 2nd Chapter of your life.
You can't see the future while yet living in the past.

If Ruth's mind had still been in Moab, grieving over her dead husband...It's very possible the ONLY thing, she would have been ABLE TO SEE  in that field that day was a great job opportunity.

Beloved, There is so much more waiting on you..It would be a shame, a real  waste of God's time and creativity, if you didn't  get to see, experience, have it all.

But in order to do that....Some emotional doors have to close permanently.
Some feelings must heal. Some thoughts must change.
Sight must be renewed.

Focus Points:

1. Take some time to heal YOU.
2.  Your eyes can be broken, just as much as your heart.
Therefore, Ask God to heal, to renew your sight.
3. Live every day slowly removing valuable pieces of YOU from Chapter 1..It wasn't all bad,  you can savage something.
4. Get the mindset of the REBUILDER. You're not torn down, your foundation is still strong which means in the right soil (situation and time)...You will be able to see, experience, have, rebuild your life.

Hope I've given you much to meditate on this week.
Until Next Sunday.
SOMEBODY loves you, because I do. :-)

LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, April 16, 2017

4/16/17 "Aftef THIS" ☆ Taken From: Prolific Fire Ministry Facebook pg


5 Minutes of Focus... (The Non-Video)
"After THIS"

After THIS Job lived....
Job 42:16 NIV

After what? After having constructed his life a certain way and losing it all.

You see, often we construct our lives the way we want our lives to be. Gathering for ourselves this and that,  gathering to ourselves this person and that person...To the point that we can't possibly imagine our lives without it all, without them .

Job had to face the loss of his whole world ( his wife not included).

But Job soon would learn that after loss, after  pain comes INCREASE....A family still to love, wealth still to enjoy and issues that can heal.
Oh yes, After THIS Job lived...

And you can too. Stop trying to do it yourself, your way and let God resurrect your life, your loss with the people and things he desires for you.
Father knows BEST! Trust Him.
His resurrection power is real.

Focus Point:
Here's the only thing you need to remember....Sometimes our Plans need to fall apart for HIS truly to unfold.

Happy Resurrection Sunday.
Until Next Week.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, April 9, 2017

4/9/17 "People Don't Always Mean What They Say" ☆Taken From Prolific Fire Ministry Facebook pg.


5 Minutes Of Focus.... (The Non-Video)
"People Don't Always Mean What They Say"....

Sometimes, Wrong words  can just be BAD ADVICE offered in the midst of pain.

For example,  Job's wife...Job's wife has taken a lot of criticism from BELIEVERS because she told her HUSBAND to "Curse God and Die."
Job 2:9

Did she mean it?  In a sarcastic way, I think, Yes....But mean it from her heart, Absolutely NOT!

You must remember that prior to her saying what she said...This was a WIFE that had along with her HUSBAND lost animals, servants, their house, and their children; basically every thing that made their life together so great. Job 1

And if that wasn't enough in Job 2...Her HUSBAND (Job) whom she lived with and got to see 1st hand his faithfulness to God was now SICK.

How could God let this happen? She sees her HUSBAND...The man she took vows of forever with, still trying to maintain his integrity. So she speaks up, (Even though, what she said was FOOLISH) and says, Curse God and Die!
She gave him some BAD ADVICE.

Yeah she said it, but more like a wife that thought her husband was being made a fool of by God (A God who was not helping the situation)...So why remain integral at this point?
Curse God and Die!

Have you ever said something sarcastically, said something out of grieve that you just didn't mean later?

Have you ever seen someone you loved go through so much...You would just about say anything (given any advice possible) to make it STOP?

Job's wife LOVED him.
The reason I know she LOVED him is because despite everything, she never left him.
She never spoke of getting a divorce or separation in the text.

Unlike now a days, we all know at least one couple  who has split up over something that was just petty differences.

But she was desperate to make the devastation STOP... Wealth Gone. House Gone. Children Gone and Hubby is now SICK (possibly next to be gone).

Focus Points:

1. Don't take everything said to you to heart.

2. If you're hurting, that friend or family member just might be hurting too.
3. Hurt people don't always hurt people...Sometimes hurt people offer BAD ADVICE  (FOOLISH ADVICE) trying to STOP the person they love from hurting.

Selah. Pause and Think about that!

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy

Sunday, April 2, 2017

4/2/17 "If He Could" *Repost from Prolific Fire Ministry facebook pg.

5 Minutes of Focus...(The Non-Video)
"If He Could"

I just heard: The devil would "kill you in the fight" if he could...But the fact, that you're still here is proof that YOUR FAITH is working.

Beloved, The devil hates that you can get out the bed every morning despite everything NOT being okay, despite the fact that many have done you wrong, despite the fact that many lied to you and simply couldn't help you, but used you for their own personal gain.

Now, the devil knows (from observing you) you should be far worse off than you appear to be and you probably are, but you're holding it together with every ounce of faith you  got.

Every morning you get out the bed, believing to touch the hem of his garment. You don't let the crowd of others, just as desperate for healing, for deliverance,  for peace deter your efforts. Every morning you get out the bed and you are determined to not let the YEARS of the same old thing discourage or defeat you.

Every morning you get out of the bed...You drive the devil crazy.
Every morning when you appear STRONG when you should be WEAK from all you've loss is puzzling to the devil. He just knew that all the time, that THING has persisted would  be enough to break you...BUT GOD!

Your faith is working. You're still here and in your right mind. Oh yes, your faith is working.

There are ONLY 2 Focus Points (this Sunday Night going into Monday Morning).

Focus Point:

1.Just because there are issues in your life, that doesn't mean your faith is not working.

2. When you have issues that's when your faith is working  overtime.

Your faith is working, and the devil would kill you right in the midst of the fight,  IF HE COULD...Be He Can't!
Glory to God!!!

Let that encourage your heart.
Keep getting out the bed every morning....One day at a time that's all this life requires; that and just a little faith.

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~ Love, Prophetess Stacy