Sunday, April 7, 2024

4/7/24 "They Judged You Wrong "


5 Minutes of Focus 

"They Judged You Wrong!!"
‭1 Samuel 1:12-15 ICB‬
[12] While Hannah kept praying, Eli watched her mouth. [13] She was praying in her heart. Her lips moved, but her voice was not heard. So Eli thought she was drunk. [14] He said to her, “Stop getting drunk! Throw away your wine!” [15] Hannah answered, “No, master, I have not drunk any wine or beer. I am a woman who is deeply troubled. I was telling the Lord about all my problems.

Stop trying to explain yourself to people who are not even trying to understand what's going on with you.

If their 1st instinct was to judge you like how Eli (the priest) judged Hannah than you owe them nothing.

Why reward them for their wrong thinking?

Hannah wasn't drunk, but he thought she was, so he judged HER: 
He judged her character.
He judged her morals.
He judged her as woman in God's house.

And somebody is doing the same thing to you... They are watching you from a far and judging your character, your morals, judging who you are unfairly as a woman or man of God.

But who are they really to judge another man's servant?
Romans 14:4

You serve God...
Even if man is the one who benefits from your servanthood...It's still to God that the work was done.
Coloss 3:23

And when you pray (like Hannah was praying)...You pray to God and He responds. 

Remember this:
It wasn't Eli (the priest) that blessed Hannah with a baby AFTER he discovered what was really going on. It was God..God used Eli's mouth to bless the fruit of her womb:
‭1 Samuel 1:17 ICB‬
[17] Eli answered, “Go in peace. May the God of Israel give you what you asked of Him.

So, Samuel (Hannah's miracle child) was a gift from God and not Eli or any other man.

Which reminds me of two things:
1. God will use the mouth of the same person that misjudged you to bless you. It's not over yet!!

2.Children are a blessing and a gift from the Lord.
Psalms 127:3 CEV

They judged you wrong, but watch how God makes it right.

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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