Saturday, August 5, 2023

8/6/23 "Identifying Sarah "


5 Minutes Of Focus 

"Identifying Sarah"
Genesis 20:18 NIV
for the Lord had kept all the women in Abimelek’s household from conceiving because of Abraham’s wife Sarah.

NONE of the women in Abimelek’s household could conceive because of Sarah.

She was keeping them from being mothers, keeping them for bringing forth life,  keeping them from opening up and pushing.

I wonder who is it in your house  or associated with you that's doing the same thing to you?

Who is it that's keeping you from opening up, from pushing to have more, to be more?

Who is it that's responsible for you not being able to conceive a miracle, not being able to add to your life, whose stopping you from being great?

Sarah was the reason, Abimelek’s house was in the shape it was in.

You see, Beloved...People can either bless your house or hinder the productivity of your house.

Therefore, More than ever in these last days:

 ● You need to KNOW who you are coming in contact with.

● You need to be able to discern whether that person is a healthy or an unhealthy addition to your life, your home, your family.

● Joseph was a blessing to Potiphar's house. Everything Potiphar had was blessed because Joseph was there.
Gen 39:5 NIV

● Same with Jacob...The bible says, Laban was blessed by his association to Jacob, blessed because of Jacob.
Gen 30:27 NIV

Father God,
I pray discernment on everybody you have placed under the sound of my voice.

I pray that they be able to discern a Sarah from a Joseph or Jacob.

I pray that they be able to discern who it is the enemy has sent to stop them from producing,to stop them from being productive.

SOMEBODY: The infertility issues you are having is tied to that person you have opened  your home to.

If Sarah could be the reason the Lord would keep the women in Abimelek’s house from conceiving....

Don't you think, you need to be more aware of that person that's in your house?

Stop telling people to make themselves at home in your house.

Because people are not just people...But people are SPIRITS and NOT all SPIRITS are of God.

You could easily be opening your home to a Spirit that's NOT of God....A spirit sent there by satan to hinder you and your household.

Especially if you have been decreeing & declaring, " As for me & my house we will serve the LORD."
Joshua 24:15 

So, Stop That!!

Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God...
1 John 4:1 NIV

Father God, I ask that you forgive us in our ignorance  for the things we have said and the things we have allowed to go on in our homes.

If we have unknowingly entertained a witch or warlock, unknowingly associated ourselves with soothsayers...
We ask you to forgive us

To open our eyes where we have been blind.

To wipe the walls of our house clean, to rid our house of any Spirit that's NOT your Holy Spirit that might be penetrating the walls, activated by who is in our house or  by the company we keep.

We apply the blood of Jesus on the door post of our homes and we ask that you spiritual evict every spirit present that shouldn't be.

Evict them-Kick them out!!

Help us to discern our Sarah's and treat them accordingly.
In Jesus name,

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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