Sunday, August 13, 2023

8/13/23 "Fight!!"


5 Minutes of Focus 

We are all in a fight, but how we CHOOSE to show up DAILY to the fight will determine the outcome. 

So, Are you choosing to complain, to be mad, to be frustrated?
Is that how you're choosing to show up to the fight?
Or are you preparing yourself daily for the fight you have been assigned to. 

Believe it or not, the fight you're in is the fight you've been assigned to.

Saul thought David was just some young rooky, volunteering to fight Goliath. David had to let him know that he had been tending HIS FATHER'S SHEEP and fighting lions & bears. 
1 Samuel 17:33-38 NIV

God was training him back then for the fight he was assigned to, for the fight that would change how people saw him.

Think About It: What is it in your past that could have possibly been training you, God preparing you for what you're fighting now? 

In 1 Samuel 17: We see David getting ready to go fight Goliath. 

The 1st thing he does is pull off what doesn't fit the assignment.

In this season, Stop holding on to things just because it was given to you. If it doesn't fit where God is taking you, get rid of the clutter.

David filled his bag with stones  instead!! What's in your bag?
In your bag should be weapons like:

● Faith- "All things are possible."
Mark 9,:23- That should be your mindset. 

● The Word Of God- Your 2 edged sword. Heb 4:12

● Prayer- Daniel prayed and his words were heard the very 1st day, but the answer came with warfare!!
Daniel 10:12-13

● Sow - And it shall multiply a 30, 60, 100 fold return.
Mark 4:20

● Serve- Give it shall be given to you.
Luke 6:38

Get prepared. Show up. Keep fighting until you win!!

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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