Tuesday, December 20, 2022

12/21/22 "The Real Gift Giver"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"The Real Gift Giver"
After they had gone, Joseph had another dream. An angel of the Lord appeared to him and said, “Get up now and flee to Egypt. Take Mary and the little child and stay there until I tell you to leave, for Herod intends to search for the child to kill him.” So that very night he got up and took Jesus and his mother and made their escape to Egypt and remained there until Herod died.
Matthew 2:13‭-‬15 TPT

Beloved, Pay close attention to the dreams you've been having lately...Because everything in this season is not jolly, filled with love or mistletoe kisses.

Don't miss what God is trying to tell you in this season...Don't be so focused on buying gifts (you can't afford) that you miss what the real gift giver is trying to tell you.

God so loved the world that HE GAVE His only begotten Son....
John 3:16 KJV

So, That makes Him the real gift giver 🎁 and one of the ways He speaks is through dreams according to Job 33:15 CEV.

A lot of times, Dreams are to warn us of the devil's devices - what he wants to do, is doing or will do (if given the opportunity).

Therefore, I'm telling you to not just wraps gifts, but PRAY and seek to unwrap the revelations that are there in your dreams....What is God saying specifically to you and your family?

And like Joseph be quick to obey. Just think, If Joseph had not been paying attention to his dream life...What could have possibly happened to his family.

Weapons form but they don't prosper...Not when you're praying, paying attention and you are ready & willing to be obedient in any season. Amen!!
Isaiah 54:17 NKJ

Until Next Sunday.
LPS~Love, Prophetess Stacy

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