Saturday, December 31, 2022

1/1/23 "It's Not The Clothes"


5 Minutes of Focus 

"It's Not The Clothes"
When Joseph reached his brothers, they ripped off the fancy coat he was wearing, grabbed him, and threw him into a cistern.The cistern was dry; there wasn’t any water in it. Then they sat down to eat their supper....
Genesis 37:23‭-‬27 MSG

They had the nerve to sit down  and eat supper after physically assaulting their brother; as if, they had done nothing wrong.

I think it's safe to say...At this point, Joseph's brothers had no conscience. Hate had taken over their mind, jealousy had completely consumed  them.

So much so, that they actually thought, if they got rid of the fancy coat Joseph was always wearing that would somehow stop the favor the Father had placed on his life.

SOMEBODY right now....
There are people who hate the way you dress. They are jealous of the fancy clothes you wear. They think that you think, you are more than them because of the way you dress.

Little do they know...It's not the clothes. You could show up wearing jeans & a t-shirt every day and still be just as favored in the eyes of the Lord.

You see, The bible says, Israel loved Joseph more than any of his other sons, BECAUSE he had been born to him in his old age....
Genesis 37:3 NIV

Think About It: 
Any one of them could have been born when Joseph was born, but GOD chose him, positioned him at birth to be the one favored, to be "the favorite".

So, If you reading this, stop apologizing, stop feeling like you have to apologize for being favored, for being "the favorite" in the family etc.

You are right where God positioned you. Let them have the clothes, tell them where you shop, take them shopping, if need be, but They Will NEVER BE YOU.

Why? Because what they're looking to obtain is not in the clothes (It's Not ON YOU) and they certainly won't receive the  favor (they desire) from the Lord by hating on you, by being jealous of you, by trying to destroy you.

Again, They Will NEVER BE YOU. No matter how hard they try. Eventually, Their own stupidity is going to tire them out both physically & mentally. 

Beloved, You Got THIS!!

Until Next Sunday. 
LPS~Love,  Prophetess Stacy

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